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Vol. 14 – The “I AM” Discourses, p. 177

The Elohim of Purity says:

You might think mankind are progressing by this, that, or the other outer world accomplishment; but I tell you, until the people return to Purity, there is no permanent improvement! They might want Purity, and they might rebel furiously against the penalty that they are constantly paying for impurity; but unless they will turn in humble, grateful obedience to that “Mighty I AM Presence” and clothe themselves in Its Eternal, Invincible Love of Eternal Purity, unless That comes first, they will but go on marking time, doing and undoing the things they desire to do in the outer world. Mankind have gone on for two and a half million years, building, building, building – and tearing down what they have built.

What do you think abides today on the Earth in the way of constructive accomplishment, which has been saved, or carried through the centuries of the past, that is now to come into the outer use of those who are to build the Permanent Perfection of the future? Everything that is of value on this Earth that has been a constructive accomplishment of the past, all that has been preserved in the beds of the oceans, hermetically sealed, all that has been preserved in the Retreats, all that is of any permanent existence on the Earth has been preserved and protected by the Ascended Host, not by mankind themselves.

So, if you want Protection in the future, if you want to be assured of your victorious accomplishment, no matter what you want to do so long as it be constructive, then you must have Our Invincible, Eternal Purity and Our Protection about you, both while you are doing it and about the ways and means that you are going to use; and if you don’t have that Protection, well then, some destructive force moves in just about the time you think you are going to reach for your Victory; some destructive force moves in and takes it out of your hands. Then you feel very resentful because you didn't attain the success you desired.
Vol. 14 – The “I AM” Discourses, p. 177
Saint Germain Press, Inc.

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For decent men and the women who love them

The following article speaks for itself. At first glance, it may seem idealistic and overly romantic; however, it does encourage thoughtfulness and is well worth the read.

"Not So Toxic Masculinity–Men, We Need Your Strength"

I don’t intend to judge every man I meet as a possible attacker, but I am foolish not to think there is a possibility. Every woman can attest to that undercurrent of fear. That being said, I also believe that most men coming upon a woman being attacked would use that same strength to protect her from harm. I have seen it happen many times.


For decent men and the women who love them

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WOW, If this is true...

Did we miss this one?

"BOMBSHELL: Stormy Daniels Caught In ‘Special Relationship’ With Obama’s Oval Office"
September 13, 2018 Rebecca Diserio

Porn star Stormy Daniels is back in the headlines with her sleazy lawyer Michael Avenatti appearing on The View yesterday. It’s all a coordinated effort meant to smear President Donald Trump, but shocking developments have just come to light.

In what appears to be a bombshell that just got dropped on the former Obama administration, Daniels has just been caught in a “special relationship” with Barack and his Oval Office. Don’t miss this.


WOW! If this is true..

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What we may not have known about Halloween

by Michael Snyder

What I am about to share with you is incredibly disturbing. Every year on October 31st, some of the most horrifying acts imaginable are carried out in dark corners and back rooms all across America. In this article, you are going to read about some of those acts.

But for most Americans, Halloween is a supposedly “innocent” holiday that is all about dressing up, eating lots of candy and having fun. When I was growing up, I gladly participated in the festivities too, because I didn’t understand what the holiday was all about.

According to the National Retail Federation, approximately 70 percent of all Americans celebrate Halloween, and a total of somewhere around 9 billion dollars will be spent on the holiday this year. But most Americans do not understand that almost all of our modern “Halloween traditions” have their roots in a bloody ancient pagan festival known as Samhain…


Is It Okay To Celebrate Halloween? For Many Americans, It Is A Time For Blood Rituals And Unspeakable Acts Of Evil

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The Vandals have crashed the gates.

The enemy within continues to grow in both strength and violence. Some Leftists are intellectually sound, truly embrace the ideology, and believe they can create a better world, if they do it properly, whatever that means.

Unfortunately, the vast majority are simply easily led useful idiots.

There are allegedly mass hypnosis sessions which inculcate the acceptable mantras to be repeated at protest gatherings. Perhaps this explains their robotic chanting.

Unfortunately, they have moved from chanting and occasional violence to outright violence. They warned that the vandalizing of the GOP NY office was just the beginning.


The Vandals have crashed the gates.

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A county court has ordered Rep. Keith Ellison’s divorce records to be unsealed, allowing more scrutiny into the Democrat’s private life as he fights off the abuse allegations upending his campaign for Minnesota attorney general.

Hennepin County Family Court referee Jason Hutchison released an order Friday saying the records of Mr. Ellison’s 2012 split with ex-wife Kim Ellison will be unsealed Oct. 17, ruling that “open access is the presumption in Minnesota.”


Minnesota court orders Woman Beater Keith Ellison (Hakim Muhammad) divorce records unsealed

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Islam and Freedom Cannot Coexist
By Amil Imani - on October 9, 2018

A great irony of the age is that the seemingly most diehard proponents of freedom — the useful idiots of our time — are the most dangerous unwitting accomplices of liberty’s enemy, Islam. Keep in mind that the very name “Islam” is a derivation of “taslim,” the Arabic word for “surrender,” surrender to the will and dictates of Allah as revealed by Muhammad and recorded in the Quran.

This non-negotiable surrender to Islam requires the individual as well as any society to disenfranchise themselves of many of the fundamental and deeply cherished of human rights.

Below is a brief presentation of what this surrender to Islam entails and why it is imperative that all freedom-loving people arise and defeat this menace.


Western Civilization is suffering death by a thousand cuts.

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(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article assumes that Hurricane Michael was geoengineered and discusses what the agenda might be for targeting Florida.

Bear in mind that the agenda cited below is theoretical, yet a compelling case is made with each point. As always, use your own discernment.

– Justin

(State of the Nation) The New World Order Globalist Cabal Uses Weather Warfare Against the American People Every Hurricane Season

Related Hurricane Florence Geoengineered? Reviewing the Evidence (Video)

Source – State of the Nation

by Staff Writer, October 10th, 2018

Hurricane Michael is only the most recent weather weapon launched by the globalist-controlled geoengineers at the U.S. coastline and heartland.

There are multiple reasons why the globalists are directing this Cat. 4 Hurricane at the Florida Panhandle.


Hurricane Michael Geoengineered? If so, Here’s the Possible Agenda

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"Earth is being bombarded with invisible light that nobody understands."

Known as fast radio bursts (or FRBs), these ultrashort, ultrapowerful pulses of ancient energy are the universe's brightest flashes you cannot see. They travel billions of light-years across time and space, shine with the intensity of nearly 100 suns and then blip out of existence mere milliseconds after reaching the range of Earthly telescopes. Because they are radio waves, they do all of this while remaining totally invisible to human eyes.

Could these mystery pulses be the distant flashes of supermassive supernovas? The wild spin of the universe's speediest neutron stars? Perhaps the thrust of alien spacecraft sailing across the cosmos? Nobody knows for sure. But while only about 30 FRBs have been detected since their initial discovery in 2007, astronomers think they may be a near-constant phenomenon that modern technology isn't equipped to fully capture. [9 Strange Scientific Reasons for Why Humans Haven't Found Aliens Yet]


Astronomers Confirm Earth Is Being Bombarded with Ancient, Invisible Energy from Another Galaxy

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Beloved Glorious I AM Presence, Light of my soul, may the Light of Cosmic Illumination, the Light of Cosmic Victory and Love be poured into the Earth from all available Sources, like the Light of a thousand suns to permeate the atmosphere of Earth, to saturate all Her people and Her many kingdoms.
May all negativity, illusion, glamour and karma be transmuted by this Great Cosmic Light of God that never fails.
May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all be established now upon our dear planet by the action of this Great Cosmic Light.
By the authority of my Beloved I AM Presence and the authority of every Beloved I AM Presence of Humanity, all the Kingdoms of the Earth, the Light of the Mother/Father, by the authority of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood
I decree:
As a Son/Daughter of God, "I AM" the authority on Earth, and I AM calling now for the action of the Light of a thousand suns to be released now on this beloved planet for the immediate transformation of Earth into the "Shining Star" that is Her destiny and for the raising up of all humanity into their Eternal Freedom in the Realms of Light and Divine Perfection.
I request that the Light that is needed to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth, as it is in Heaven be released now without limit in accordance and in absolute alignment with Prime Creator's Divine Plan for the Earth, all of Humanity and all the Kingdoms of the Earth.
And so it is, Beloved I AM.

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Pure psychopathic evil now appears to be running rampant on the American political front.

The elites were infuriated by the American electorate's victory over them in the 2016 election and feverishly sought to overturn it. Challenges to the election results, ballot recounts, and threats to the electoral college members to not award Trump his earned votes all failed.

Thus, they proceeded with their standby tactics of funding useful idiots, er, resistance groups to engage in the standard rioting, smashing of windows, beating up members of the opposition, etc. in order to create chaos and the illusion of a total uprising against Trump.

Well that did not work, it actually backfired because not only did the Dem leaders refuse to condemn the lawless behavior, but they actually encouraged it.

Auntie Maxine was the first to vigorously advocate the harassment and/or violence against all Trump supporters, cabinet members and GOP congressional members. However, she was merely the front voice for the enemies of our Constitution who continue to engage in treachery.

As a result, many moderate Dems were becoming disgusted. The #walkaway movement began and continues to grow.

The Kavanaugh nomination finally exposed the the Dems servitude to their globalist masters. They could not disqualify him on his merit sooo they whipped out the time honored card of sexual assault, the accusation of which was proven to be unfounded and the accuser's veracity questioned.

Unfortunately the facts do not matter and Kavanaugh was not merely drug through the mud, he was burned at the stake. Thankfully, he proved to be a man of steel, did not back down, and now sits on the SCOTUS bench

The following articles discuss the seditious activities of ole' George and his buddy Tom Steyer and their part in the ultimate move toward a totalitarian globalist world.


The treacherous totalitarian enemies within fully unmasked

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