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We are the Arcturian Group 1/29/23

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JANUARY 29, 2023

Welcome dear readers.

During these times of confusion, violence, and chaos, never doubt that you are known, loved, and honored for choosing to assist earth in her journey to once again express the Divine perfection that is her reality.

You did not need to incarnate as many do in order to learn and grow beyond the third dimensional belief system, but you along with many others chose to incarnate in order that the presence of many evolved states of consciousness on earth would add Light to and lift earth's collective consciousness to a higher level.

Everything is energy dear ones. Everything-people, words, actions, "stuff"--has a vibrational frequency and the closer it is to reality/truth the lighter, faster, and brighter are the frequencies. The further from truth something is, the slower, denser, and heavier the vibration which is why the three dimensional earth manifests as material and why you feel heaviness in certain situations, places, or even around certain people.

In reality your body is pure, perfect, and whole--a Light body, an individualization of God. Just as you commonly think of a body of water, think of yourself as a body of God. In the density of third dimensional energy, the real Light body is interpreted as physical, dense, material, and subject to all sorts of problems. Your real body has always and will continue to go with you wherever you go. It cannot die for it is your individualization of Divine Consciousness. It is only the material concept of body that dissolves after the Light body leaves.

Everything, that which is considered good and that considered bad, is a concept of a spiritual reality or Divine Idea because Divine Consciousness is all that exists. The third dimensional state of consciousness is unaware and thus unable to understand that earth is a spiritual world peopled with sons/daughters of God because their state of consciousness is as of yet only able to align with denser energy.

There are some who live from a three dimensional level but who have retained the ability interact with energies invisible to most. Most of them worked with psychic energy throughout their past lives and often work as psychics in this one. Always remember that psychic is not the same as spiritual and information can rise no higher than the state of consciousness of the person giving the information. This is an important point to remember in these times of many predictions. Always trust your intuition.

Because there is only ONE Divine Consciousness expressing ITSelf as infinite form and variety, energy is always seeking to reconnect with ITself. In the human scene this manifests as like attracting like or "bird of a feather, flock together". Be aware of what you hold as truth in your consciousness because consciousness automatically draws and connects to whatever energy it is in alignment with. Example: A consciousness of violence, lack, and beliefs based in separation will automatically attract ideas about as well as actions of violence. Hypochondriacs will always be attracting some health issue.

There is no such thing as a God who punishes or gets pleasure from the suffering of ITself as individual being. In fact these things do not even exist in Divine Consciousness. The third dimensional state of consciousness dreams up concepts of God based in limited and false information and then sets about worshiping and preaching these concepts to others.

Every person is the God creating their life and situations from the contents of their consciousness. However, this does not mean that every negative experience is a failure of spiritual growth but rather often represents a graduation of sorts. Many negative experiences actually represent completion and are expressing a clearing of some old energy unknowingly being held in consciousness.

The human desire to attain "good" and get rid of the "bad" is actually the material concept of a spiritual reality. Soul remembers who it really is and yearns to be complete, known, and acknowledged. The third dimensional state of consciousness feels this yearning as a desire for human "good"-- people, places, experiences etc. believed capable of bringing happiness and success. However, the duality aspect of three dimensional concepts automatically means that human good and human bad can and often does quickly shift to the opposite.

Holding tightly to good experiences of the past or continually trying to recreate them for self and others in some way is no different than attempts to bury, forget, ignore, deny, or rid self of bad memories. As either one comes to mind (and they will until cleared) look right at them and see them for what they represent or represented in an earlier state of consciousness. No longer endow them power for good or bad and thank them for the lessons, insights, and evolutionary growth you gained and release them into the nothingness that they really are.

Learn to see through all material appearances and into the deeper reality that underlies it. If you see someone stealing, do not judge the person as bad, but understand that because in reality that person is a Divine Being, he or she is unknowingly carrying a desire for wholeness and completeness which to their limited state of consciousness they are interpreting as a right to whatever they need or want.

This does not mean those living from an un-evolved state of consciousness should simply be allowed to do whatever they please. Spiritual evolution involves lessons at all levels of awareness which for some may mean that their needed lesson is jail time

Practice oneness at all times--a wordless flash of awareness as you enter a room, get to your office, do the dishes etc. Every time you answer your phone remember that God is the person at the other end or when driving know that God is every other driver on the road. By keeping a tiny portion of your awareness always centered in truth it soon becomes your state of consciousness, your life, and your reality.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/29/23

Donations are welcomed

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The Seven Sacred Weeks
Morgan Le Fay

My beloved ones, no habit can be changed without conscious effort! If you wish to express the fullness of your Inner Christ, then you must hold your attention to it until it rises like a sun over the horizon of your outer consciousness! While you have your attention on us, we lift you up with our words, with our love and radiance, but like the crowd that followed me two thousand years ago, if when you return to your daily activities you forget us, then the pressure of the world and your own negative accumulations, hypnotize you again and you quickly return to your negative habits and feelings. […]

I would like to propose a challenge to you to remain focused, during the next 365 days, on the Christ Presence in your hearts and in us of the Ascended Host, saying “no” to everything that is discordant in the outer world. And if you are firm in this purpose, then you will see the wonderful transformation that will operate in your lives!

Repeat during this new year, with your attention turned to the Christ within your hearts: “I AM the Victory of my Ascension! I AM the Invincible Power of the Resurrection Flame operating in all that I am!” This Resurrection Flame is no myth, beloved Ones! I used this power two thousand years ago to fulfill my mission! This Flame is an Invincible Power that propels you up and into the perfection of your Higher Mental Body! Call the Resurrection of your habits in the Light! Call the Resurrection of your body and health in the Light! Call the Resurrection of your whole external activity in the Light of God that never fails! And if you are constant in your calls, you will see the miracles that will work in your world in just one year of determined application!

Beloved Jesus
For beloved Jesus’ full discourse during the Seven Sacred Weeks, see the link:

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We are the Arcturian Group 1/15/23

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JANUARY 15, 2023

Welcome dear readers. During these times of change and new beginnings, remember that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan.

High frequency energy is omnipresent because it is in and of Divine Consciousness but the majority has not been at levels of consciousness able to align with them. Because there is only ONE and because there are now increasingly more highly evolved states of consciousness on earth, more and more people are starting to access Light energies that have always present but mostly unknown allowing them to be experienced and integrated by more individuals which in turn is enlightening collective consciousness.

Everyone is beginning to experience these higher frequencies and translate them according to their state of consciousness. For some it may be fear and confusion but for others it means shifting to new levels of awareness that allow them for the first time to recognize that many commonly accepted world beliefs really represent "power over" under the heading of what is in the best interests of others.

Many concepts of right and wrong are dissolving and will continue to dissolve as individuals evolve beyond the need for others to tell them what to do and begin trusting and living from their intuition. Many concepts for "right living" will simply fade away without the energy of belief to maintain and sustain them. As increasingly more individuals awaken to the fact that much of what they have been taught by parents, teachers, priests, rabbis, and ministers is simply not true, the world will change.

Evolving into a consciousness of personal spiritual empowerment is frequently preceded by the full or partial collapse of a person's three dimensional foundation. The fear and chaos that results from the breaking down of a person's firmly established and never questioned three dimensional foundation is often the only way those who are spiritually ready for more can evolve to their next level. In spiritual circles, this is known as a "wake up call".

Everyone innately desires peace, comfort, and security, and seeks these things according to their state of consciousness. Most are as of yet unaware that these are God qualities and therefore can only flow from within to the without if they are to be permanent. The three dimensional state of consciousness seeks these things in the outer, attempting to build themselves a "perfect life" from concepts of duality, separation, and two powers.

When one's "perfect life" collapses the result is shock, confusion, and frantic attempts to restore everything back the way it was even if what it was no longer resonated and the person was miserable. There is emotional pain, fear, and confusion because personal foundations are built from what is believed to be true and necessary for happiness and a person a sense of security and confidence.

If the person continues attempting to recreating the past, the process may take awhile but at some point every individual tires of the struggle, begins to move beyond the past, and opens to new ways of looking at the situation. At first it may simply consist of opening to intuition and allowing it to guide them to three dimensional sources of help. Most then begin to question the situation and their beliefs about it gaining a deeper awareness of themselves, past choices, what they really want or don't want, and a recognition of beliefs that have held them in bondage.

Empowerment is a spiritual quality, a state of consciousness. The process of attaining this state of consciousness is initiated by the Higher Self and may simply unfold naturally but because most resist change "Wake up calls" are often necessary. Empowerment is a consciousness of truth about Self and all life which in turn manifests as living that awareness while expressing it in practical ways. It is the ability to lovingly but firmly state; "Enough is enough." or "Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this." Regardless of who these words are being spoken to.

Empowerment is women integrating and living in balance with their masculine aspect and men integrating and feeling comfortable expressing their feminine with mutual love and respect for both. Most of you have already done this work.

In the presence of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual distress, always remember--God is.

If God alone is, IT must be omnipresent. Where does omnipresence leave fear? What does it say about who I and all other life forms are? If God alone is, where is the need for petitionary prayer or rites and rituals meant to bring one closer to God? If God alone is where does this leave beliefs of death, lack and limitation, separation, suffering etc.? Do I really believe that God alone is?

Because human beings are in reality expressions of God, they are like God, creative. A collective consciousness of ignorance and the rejection of ONEness manifests in and as infinite forms of duality and separation. Yes, situations created out of beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers seem very real on earth and those involved and must deal with them in accord with their state of consciousness but you who are awake are on earth not to get caught up in the illusions of sense, but to add the Light of your evolved state of consciousness to the collective.

Increasing more dark information and actions are going to be exposed but your job is not to fix things on a three dimensional level, but rather to always have a part of your awareness in alignment with the truth that God alone is. What does this mean? It means remembering that aches, pains, and diseases have no spiritual law to support them. It means that an empty wallet or lack has no spiritual reality. It means that every world wide situation of good versus bad or us versus them has no real Divine law to support, sustain, or maintain it because God alone is.

Once a person realizes that 2 x2 is 4 and not 5, where does the 5 go? It only existed in thought. This is how truth works. You wake up and begin to live from truth rather than the false, no longer accepting 2 x2 as 5. There is a statement made by Jesus that is often quoted incorrectly which is; "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John) The "You will know the truth" part is often left out which is the most important part of the whole statement. You must know, live, be, trust, and allow truth to grow and strengthen before it can evolve into a state of consciousness that can and will then manifest outwardly.

You are the Light illuminating pathways for those coming along behind you even if you never say a word. The Light of even one evolved consciousness constitutes a majority automatically because there is only ONE.

God alone is.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/15/23

Donations are welcomed

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Dear Fourwinds10 readers

January 13, 2023

Dear Fourwinds10 readers,


With a very saddened heart, I regret to inform you that Patricia Muhlhausen, AKA, Anne Bellringer has passed away. Official time of death was 11:00 pm mountain standard time, January 12, 2023 at 88 years old.

Her duodenum ulcer had started bleeding yet again. They took her to do an operation where they stop the bleeding by plugging up the blood vessels right behind the ulcer, working the way into there from within the vessel coming from skin surface. There were 4 total vessels that they plugged. They were successful in stopping the bleeding. But after that, despite a few hours of improvement, she soon she took a turn for the worse with multiple organ failures, cascading one after another. Over the last few days, her health had declined greatly, and needed full life and kidney support. Despite the best efforts done in the ICU unit to keep her heart going and combat the organ failures and developing pneumonia, nothing could be done to bring her back and we took her off life support to rest in peace and join Patrick Bellringer on the ships.

Anne is survived by three daughters and one son and an older sister who is 90 and in good health. Anne is my mom and I have been fulltime caretaker for her since the passing of Patrick Bellringer, my father. She will be greatly, greatly missed as we all adjust to her being rather suddenly, gone. Fourwinds10 is here and will continue on in the best way I can support it but it will be some more days yet before posts can continue, as things are dealt with here for her passing away. 

A sincere thank you to everyone who has followed, supported, and donated to Fourwinds10 over these several decades. Again, any donations you can spare at this time will be so much appreciated. I will be setting up a memorial fund for Anne Bellringer soon. And please donate via PayPal, PHB gofundme, or by mail. Anything you can spare will help offset the mountain of expenses and medical bills we have. Thank you bagain.




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