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  • Thanks, after watching it I am figuring out how to show the dvd I am about to purchase to key members of my family.
  • Suanne  your welcome, believe me you will love it. 

  • Byron,  Thanks for informing us all about this.  Too bad we can't watch for free anymore, but I totally understand why they pulled it.  They spent money and time making it, they should be compensated.  I will "rent" it, and if it's as good as it sounds, probably buy one so I can share it with others.  Thanks again!

  • thrive trailer

  • I am going to ask forbidden knowledge if they can put it up and bypass utube.

  • purchase completed, if there is any way I can let you see it I will do so, i promise. legal of course

  • I am sorry to hear this. I searched on amazon uk and the film has has been taken of, no longer available

    I am going to buy it, now, it is only $20 plus shipping I assume. it makes me very sad indeed I am able to do this and others are not .

    any change I will let you know.

  • I realize many in the world don't have $5 to throw away on viewing a couple hours of information, and could use the the Thrive message to add to their consideration of world issues, but I think the creators of this video deserve any business they can get from those able to pay for it.

    The creators created the low cost viewing website after all, and that's far more considerate than what a major media company would do with a newly released film. I would rather give them my business when I can, than take what they have made and show it without permission. Major media could learn from this kind of microtransaction viewing presentation anyhow, seems like a better business model.

    Thanks for bringing Thrive back to my attention.
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