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  • The Perseid meteor shower is in progress and peaks on August 13th. I wonder if this could have an affect on us and the August 16th date?
  • He will have to be communicating in some other mode...telepathically?
  • Rosemary he did say he will be part of the rescue team. When the net goes down were on our own. I think he said he would be there as long as he can. That was my take 
  • Can we assume that Mithi in his space craft will still communicate information during some crucial time?
  • Yes, Byron, our good friends will do what they can.  They are not gods, but they won't abandon us either.
  • The last sentence sounds to me like we are going to get help, does enyone else see that.
  • Thank you Cheryl!!!
  • Here's the text (so Weiynala can see it)...

    Friends and YouTubers welcome!
    Next Events 18th - August 08, 2011.
    Friends, it seems that the information in our video 56 are blunt with some recent findings from NASA's documentation and pseudo "comet" elenin. It seems that this Extintion Level Event, brings with it added asteroids that might fall into the earth during its passage. NASA has a file positioning of shock of Google Earth, connected to elenin whose link is placed in the description of this video to be downloaded and checked. This Google Earth file containing coordinates of the Earth, if you try to use it in the "Mars" or "Sky" the program will switch back to the "Earth" mode. All of this is NASA official as you can see the documents shown in the official links. As Mythi said, be prepared for the shocks of asteroids but stay tuned for any event artificially created by the governments ruling. All this movement of FEMA, troops, firefighters being instructed to close encounters, U.S. President announcements scheduled for November this year (perhaps to confuse the dates), demonstrates the seriousness of the situation. Last month, the salt mine where in March 2010 began to be transferred more than 1 million historical books, among other works of art, was finally sealed. It seems that everything is already prepared. Courage friends, we will skip over this step together.

    Thanks for watching, Join our channel! You are welcome there!
    Captain Bill - August 2011

  • No luck for me here, no caves of note in south Louisiana!  :)
  • I have not timed myself lately but I doubt if I could run thousands of miles per hour plus the explosions will be like nuclear war. Find a cave for this episode of Earth Changes.
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