FW: Dec. 18, 2013
The Guardian is reporting that since October, 20 people have died in Madagascar from bubonic plague. Madagascar is the ‘plague capital’ of the world with about 60 deaths a year from the disease.
From the Guardian:
The Pasteur Institute of Madagascar revealed on Tuesday that tests taken from bodies in the village last week showed that they had died of bubonic plague. The institute added it was concerned the disease could spread to towns and cities where living standards have declined since a coup in 2009.
The deaths are doubly concerning because the outbreak occurred both outside the island’s normal plague season, which runs from July to October, and apparently at a far lower elevation than usual.
Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis) is spread by the fleas from black rats, Xenopsylla cheopis. Black rats are known by various names. Ship rat, roof rat, house rat, Alexandrine rat and old English rat are all names commonly used to describe Rattus rattus, the black rat.
The Rest…HERE
Good info Cheryl
A village in England survived because of the abundance of lavender bushes. Medieval doctors wore giant bird-beak like masks filled with certain herbs and spices to contain breathing the air. "Thieves oil" is a blend you can find on the internet that is said to be a recipe from those times.
Yep 60 people a year but this time it has jumped the normal season and 20 have died in a short period of time When the plague hit China only the people that worked in the cinnamon factory were exempt and when it hit Europe only the people who smoked were exempt, guess fleas don't like cinnamon or nicotine.
Nostradamus gave rose petal to his patient during both plague episode in his time.