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  • Thanks for the information. It appear that some damage have occur. Can really say that it was from Fukushima. I do not hear birds chirping during the day. That is strange.
  • Rosemary  Our tomatos and a certain variety of bell pepper while in the rain were affected but when moved to the porch recovered. The green beans were devistated.  Wal-mart  had an outside vegtable display that looked like someone sprayed it with weed killer. All plants were not affected, maby 40%. I have one maple tree that has white spots all over it and the the others leaves are fine. Our apple tree is acting strange, apples are falling off before they rippen,too many for my estimation.    
  • We have a group of Canadian geese that stay year round here. But we also have I group that comes from higher north and migrate to more southerly latitude. In some area, these geese have become pest. Byron do you have or notice leaf blanching on some plants where only the leaf vein are green? I do in my garden.
  • Rosemary  It's like impossible to get correct radiation information. No geese here yet. This is a resting area for them. I love to hear them honking when they arrive. 
  • Yes Byron, I saw the video and I was quite taken by the information she gave. Even our government is not saying to much about it. Last week CBC release a small blurt about testing fish on the West Coast like salmon to see if they showed sign of radiation. But in the same breath, they told us that everything will only show background radiation. Results even before a thorough investigation. Ho! It is sad that the bird died in your hands. If the bird flew in your window, this can be caused by eating fermented berries, two windows at the same angle with one another that confuse the bird to think that there is no obstacle or it navigation system is affected by something. I vote for the third reason. I live in the West Coast of Canada, East from Vancouver so we are about in the same area where ceasium 138 radiation has accumulated. Have you notice that the Canadian Geese are acting strange? They are already flying in V formation. That is early. They usually fly in this formation two weeks before the onset of the cool season.
  • Rosemary  Thank you for the DNA lesson I was not aware of those facts. I too believe in Mythi and the information he puts out, but I still consider all other information if from credible people. Just a note about the birds you and I talked about leaving. I saw two yesterday and both flew into my windows one died in my hands. I wonder if the Radiation is having an effect on them, our areas are quite bad in the pacific north west. did you see the Helen Caldicott video Cheryl has featured? most never looked at it. I think it is the most important video ever posted here.  
  • There is a lot of information and disinformation on YouTube.  The reason being, and I agree with you Byron, is that you have layman as well as scientist telling us what they think about a given situation. Yet, it seems that there is a gap between what we read and what is really occurring. We know that Planet X is coming our way. We know that its presence close to us will bring physical changes as well as allows all of us to evolve on a more spiritual path. I tend to believe Mithy about the Krulians. They were there right of the bat. If they and the Community Galactica felt a danger to our population, the only solution was to decrease the possibility of an impact. It left Elenin continuing on its trajectory but not has threatening. We are in the process of changing forever. We are bombarded with wave particles from space that influence our DNA to the point that without really feeling it, our DNA strands are not the same. If we look at epigenetic, one of our gene react relatively quickly to changes in our environment. It is now commonly use to see if a person is over exposed to a given chemical. So Byron it is just a matter of going with the flow and acknowledge information without being overwhelm by it.
  • I did a little research on the man that made this video and found that he spends a lot of his nights looking for structures on the moon and is very knowledgable about where things are suppose to be in space. He is a true professional while describing NASA data. The thing that was most curious was he follows Richard c. hoagland's theory that it is a space craft or time capsule. Hoagland after much reading does not seem to be on the side of NASA but on ours. So did the Kruilians blow it up and Mythi is right ? If so why is the mass the same? Why do we get photo's from all over the world showing second suns when astronomers can't find Elenin but once in a while. There must be a lot of disinformation put out to keep us confused is my only answer. Our lives are laying in the balance and we need truth and a lot less Utube assholes trying to be somebody they can't in normal life. This astromer also seems very credible.
  • Makes us wonder if the impact on Earth will be the same as predicted
  • Here is another one, Just REMEMBER we havebeen lied to our whole life
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