Yes I agree our thoughts create our long as we do not dwell on the information and think positively...then that ok...take your thoughts where you want to go... This will be ever more apparent in the 'new world' ... happy thinking!!
I agree with everyone regarding 7 of 10. We still have to prepare for the worse, but not spend time dwelling on it. I do not thrust that Nancy is telling the truth. To me she is hiding something far more important. She never mentions that we are going toward the 4th dimension and the Zeta either. Why is that?
I have been reading "Cosmic Awareness" and found this site quite informative. Since we all have our own belief system, I wont say no more. Here is the link for people who are interested:
P.S. Yes people who are schizophrenic can hold on to their belief for many years. My mother was one and the stories that she told were the same over and over again. Nancy does have the same patterns that I have seen in my mom.
Brian, I don't read ZT anymore, does it really claim a continent will vanish?
I don't mean to offend anyone on this site, I am only stating my opinions and tossing some ideas out there.
I have been following the subject of PX for quite some time. There have been many predictions made by many people. There was a point when I believed all of them. For example, in 2008 many people thought it would be visible by Aug 2010. I was one of them. I told people it would be here, I argued with those who said I was an idiot for believing that.
By 2009 I had seen so many predictions not come true that I began to doubt the whole thing. I still believed in PX, but I believed it would visible in 2011. Now, I no longer believe this either. Needless to say, I was feeling frustration and at times I would vent that frustration on my friends, including my friends on here...which is something I am very sorry for.
I am now at the point where PX no loner matters to me. It may be real, it may be here in a year or a 1000 years, it doesn't matter. I have been emotionally, mentally and spiritually preparing myself for a transformation that I know in my heart will take place, but I no longer try to figure out what form the transformation may take. For me personally, it does no good to try and figure what it is. I have the Pleiadians to thank for this attitude. They have told us that the disaster is not important, its your inner self that matters.
I think if we focus on the transformation and prepare in whatever way is best for us personally, all will be fine. Prepare for the future by gathering your supplies and creating an inner strength , but stay in the moment.
As for this 7 tipping point, I'm glad Nancy predicted a 7 before the end of this year, when it doesn't happen, maybe we can be free of her once and for all.
Has anyone ever considered that ZT might have been created by the CIA to turn people off of PX? They come out in the beginning, making all these claims of future events that are coming true. Then they give us dates that don't pan out, thrown in with a few outrageous statements like the PX is trapped next to the sun. The dates and statements leave us scratching our heads and wondering what to believe. Some of us may be so turned off by these deceptions, we may decide its all a big scam.
Even the choice of emissary makes me question things. Nancy is a cruel vindictive person who has been caught lying to her followers. I some how doubt an advanced race of beings who are supposedly STO as she claims they are would use such a person to represent them. Who knows how many people have decided PX isn't real based on her alone.
It was one thing for the Zeta's to predict the 7of10 before the end of the year. But even more so; recently when they laid out in detail; the 10 step process detailing the event. They have also said "what would be the advantage of a failure on the 7 of 10 prediction? As you so amply point out, this would devastate those following and putting faith in the ZetaTalk predictions. There would be no gain. Follow what is going on in Asia, to see evidence of the drama soon to occur."
A few things to note about this entire ZT/PX saga:
- It has been said the PS event will occur before 2012 which only leaves next year for all this to play out(with April, August, or December potentially being the month of the PS and consider the 8 weeks(9of10) before that.)
-7of10 said to happen this month or next
-the main ZT site having been in existence since 1995. That's a long time and a lot of effort for this all to be some sort of prank/hobby/joke. Could someone who is schizophrenic be so dedicated and consistent? Only time will tell if this is all real or just a joke.
Another detail about all this. We all have better things to do with our time other then be preoccupied by this. But I for example just can't dismiss this. I've tried in the past to "just forget about it". Sure; I can turn my back on it and ignore it; but it doesn't go away and it still lurks there in the background. Something like this can be written off or dismissed; but it can't be convincingly with proof and evidence be effectively proven not to be real or exist or that it's not going to happen. Maybe that's part of the draw, the appeal, and the fun. And also the potential for such a life changing and altering event.
The situation is similar to this: If the year was 1929, and someone told you how the next ten years were going to be; you could get ready and prepare at that time in advance and have things you wouldn't had you not known in advance.
I agree with you all. First, Jed, I understand your frustrations. I'm feeling them too. Shadow, you are right too because adding more stress to an already dismal situation needs to be avoided. Jed, starting a post in the Earthchanges & Emotions group would work. I'm sensing that even comments that probably wouldn't have been upsetting even a few months ago are likely to become dynamite just because the news is getting gloomier.
I agree with Jed and Sonny, in that I don't think the 7 will happen by the end of 2010. And if it doesn't, BYE BYE MISS AMERICAN LIE PUT YOUR LEVY* IN YOUR CHEVY AND WAVE BUH-BYE!.
Paris and Sonny, yes...we need to focus now on building our spiritual houses, and I will add our physical houses too. Prepare as much as you can and when it all goes down you will be as prepared as you could have been. Feel no guilt. You did the best you could.
I was facing the spectre of Death today and, not for the first either, I was ready as I could be and accepted it. I'm going to blog more on the experience tomorrow for there are some insights to be gleaned.
I have a rare ability to see ALL sides of an issue. One day I will resume my position in that other life I have as Ambassador to many races. I hope to see many of you there. And always remember, an ambassador ALWAYS trumps an emissary! (And she wondered why she only got to see the goat pens and I got to see my upscale residence. Take a guess why!)
*Oh, to explain the meaning of the word "levy" in my satire of the song Bye Bye Miss American Pie above, "levy" has various definitions. The ones I intend are (1) the conscription of troops and (2) to start or wage a war. By (1) I mean the emissary's remaining earthbound eclipsed devotees and by (2) I mean her desperate war against me (and others who came before me). I know you would have never gotten that if I hadn't explained it. Just chalk it up to poetic license. Pretty good satire, huh?
Recent interview with Nancy describing the 7 events that are supposedly going to happen within the next 35 days.
I have been reading "Cosmic Awareness" and found this site quite informative. Since we all have our own belief system, I wont say no more. Here is the link for people who are interested:
P.S. Yes people who are schizophrenic can hold on to their belief for many years. My mother was one and the stories that she told were the same over and over again. Nancy does have the same patterns that I have seen in my mom.
I don't mean to offend anyone on this site, I am only stating my opinions and tossing some ideas out there.
I have been following the subject of PX for quite some time. There have been many predictions made by many people. There was a point when I believed all of them. For example, in 2008 many people thought it would be visible by Aug 2010. I was one of them. I told people it would be here, I argued with those who said I was an idiot for believing that.
By 2009 I had seen so many predictions not come true that I began to doubt the whole thing. I still believed in PX, but I believed it would visible in 2011. Now, I no longer believe this either. Needless to say, I was feeling frustration and at times I would vent that frustration on my friends, including my friends on here...which is something I am very sorry for.
I am now at the point where PX no loner matters to me. It may be real, it may be here in a year or a 1000 years, it doesn't matter. I have been emotionally, mentally and spiritually preparing myself for a transformation that I know in my heart will take place, but I no longer try to figure out what form the transformation may take. For me personally, it does no good to try and figure what it is. I have the Pleiadians to thank for this attitude. They have told us that the disaster is not important, its your inner self that matters.
I think if we focus on the transformation and prepare in whatever way is best for us personally, all will be fine. Prepare for the future by gathering your supplies and creating an inner strength , but stay in the moment.
As for this 7 tipping point, I'm glad Nancy predicted a 7 before the end of this year, when it doesn't happen, maybe we can be free of her once and for all.
Has anyone ever considered that ZT might have been created by the CIA to turn people off of PX? They come out in the beginning, making all these claims of future events that are coming true. Then they give us dates that don't pan out, thrown in with a few outrageous statements like the PX is trapped next to the sun. The dates and statements leave us scratching our heads and wondering what to believe. Some of us may be so turned off by these deceptions, we may decide its all a big scam.
Even the choice of emissary makes me question things. Nancy is a cruel vindictive person who has been caught lying to her followers. I some how doubt an advanced race of beings who are supposedly STO as she claims they are would use such a person to represent them. Who knows how many people have decided PX isn't real based on her alone.
A few things to note about this entire ZT/PX saga:
- It has been said the PS event will occur before 2012 which only leaves next year for all this to play out(with April, August, or December potentially being the month of the PS and consider the 8 weeks(9of10) before that.)
-7of10 said to happen this month or next
-the main ZT site having been in existence since 1995. That's a long time and a lot of effort for this all to be some sort of prank/hobby/joke. Could someone who is schizophrenic be so dedicated and consistent? Only time will tell if this is all real or just a joke.
Another detail about all this. We all have better things to do with our time other then be preoccupied by this. But I for example just can't dismiss this. I've tried in the past to "just forget about it". Sure; I can turn my back on it and ignore it; but it doesn't go away and it still lurks there in the background. Something like this can be written off or dismissed; but it can't be convincingly with proof and evidence be effectively proven not to be real or exist or that it's not going to happen. Maybe that's part of the draw, the appeal, and the fun. And also the potential for such a life changing and altering event.
The situation is similar to this: If the year was 1929, and someone told you how the next ten years were going to be; you could get ready and prepare at that time in advance and have things you wouldn't had you not known in advance.
I agree with Jed and Sonny, in that I don't think the 7 will happen by the end of 2010. And if it doesn't, BYE BYE MISS AMERICAN LIE PUT YOUR LEVY* IN YOUR CHEVY AND WAVE BUH-BYE!.
Paris and Sonny, yes...we need to focus now on building our spiritual houses, and I will add our physical houses too. Prepare as much as you can and when it all goes down you will be as prepared as you could have been. Feel no guilt. You did the best you could.
I was facing the spectre of Death today and, not for the first either, I was ready as I could be and accepted it. I'm going to blog more on the experience tomorrow for there are some insights to be gleaned.
I have a rare ability to see ALL sides of an issue. One day I will resume my position in that other life I have as Ambassador to many races. I hope to see many of you there. And always remember, an ambassador ALWAYS trumps an emissary! (And she wondered why she only got to see the goat pens and I got to see my upscale residence. Take a guess why!)
*Oh, to explain the meaning of the word "levy" in my satire of the song Bye Bye Miss American Pie above, "levy" has various definitions. The ones I intend are (1) the conscription of troops and (2) to start or wage a war. By (1) I mean the emissary's remaining earthbound eclipsed devotees and by (2) I mean her desperate war against me (and others who came before me). I know you would have never gotten that if I hadn't explained it. Just chalk it up to poetic license. Pretty good satire, huh?