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Blossom Goodchild / February 15 / Very uplifting msg
Posted by stembi on February 15, 2025 at 2:37pm
Posted by Wm on January 31, 2025 at 8:10pm
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Tolec, have you seen Alex Collier's recently released video, this month [March 2012], and heard what Alex had to say? Would you please comment on this?
ANSWER: So many people have written to me about this matter. I've now watched all four (4) parts of Alex's recent telephone interview with Carlos. And therefore, I will respond to the relevant part of this video, the part that people are asking about: 'demi-god' aliens attempting to present themselves as our "saviors".
First of all, it is my strong belief that no one, no one entity, or group of entities, no beings from anywhere... should ever be worshiped as our "saviors". Not. Don't do it. Good people of Earth, you are your saviors, no one else. You have the incredible power, knowledge, intellect, wisdom, willpower & grace to choose, to evolve... and to continue evolving... to determine your own destiny... to become the great race of people you were meant to be.
Now, while Alex and I are each in telepathic contact with different commanders from different Andromeda Council flagged biospheres;
my five (5) contacts, including Tania, the Vice Chairwoman of the Andromeda Council itself, they are on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere where many of the formal Andromeda Council, advisory board & sub-committee meetings are held. Please see the page 2. of this web site regarding the composition of the Andromeda Council: And;
Moranae, Alex Collier's now primary contact, because as Alex has said Vassaeus has transcended to the next dimension of life, Moranae is the commander of a different Andromeda Council flagged biosphere where Alex has visited. Therefore, our information, the information he receives, the information I receive, it is segmented. And, because it's segmented -
Alex & I each learn different aspects of different strategic information about what is going on regarding the 'war' on Earth... for the freedom of Earth people's hearts, minds, and souls. That is what this is about. That is what is what is going on right now, at this moment in time, this transition moment in our planet's history... as we are about to become higher dimensional human beings.
Therefore; I have no problem with anything Alex said in his recent interview. However, if you listen closely, he did not say that [paraphrased] "...another extraterrestrial group is going to land on Earth."
Alex did say, a group of extraterrestrials connected to the "Cabal, Illuminati, Powers That Be, etc.", [claiming to be gods or demi-gods... Annunaki that have been hanging around on this planet for a while] is going to be presented, &/or is going to try to present themselves to the people of Earth by our own local [to this planet] 'bad guys', the power structure on the planet, aka - the 'Cabal", 'The Powers That Be', the 'Illuminati' - you get the idea. If Alex is right, and if this happens, then NO! It's plain and simple. No one on planet Earth should worship these beings.
More important, know that this is just another negative power play distraction... by the 'Powers That Be' to attempt to have the people of Earth continue to give up more of their sovereignty & freedoms. That's all it is. A negative power play distraction. Based on fear & intimidation. Nothing more.
Don't believe it, don't 'buy into it'
In closing, regarding this specific topic, a.) the people of Procyon, of the Andromeda Council, continue to have consistent success in taking out Draco & Hydra Reptilian underground & undersea bases all around Earth... and are sending these beings to the far outer edge of this Universe. Further, the people of Procyon have already said if these alleged 'demi-gods' try anything serious... the people of Procyon can & will easily take out this bunch as well... given the fact that Reptilians are far larger, meaner, malicious & more vicious than these alleged 'demi-gods'. b.) this is a time of transition on this planet, and eventually, the local 'bad guys' - the 'Cabal,' the 'Illuminati', the 'Powers That Be'... they will lose. That's the deal. Their time here is ending. This is the reality of this end game. It's really a matter of time and difficulty, or lack of difficulty, for the people of Earth... depending on what choices they make.
Are the people of Earth going to give away their power again for a short time {bad move!} like they did during the time of the reign of the Annunaki & the various Egyptian dynasties? Or, are the people of Earth going to smarten up and say, NO. Not this time. Earth, this is our planet. This particular group of ETs, so called 'demi-gods', or any other self serving ones like them, go find something else to do with your time... somewhere else. Leave Earth humans alone. Earth people have the freedom, sovereign right... and the power to say this.
In the end, this planet and the people on it are evolving. It is the destiny of this planet, and its people, to evolve. Nothing can stop it. It's that simple. They will evolve into becoming far more beautiful, far more incredible, far more naturally gifted, higher dimensional human beings. It is going to be a glorious new existence for the human race on Earth.
Are the people of Earth going to give away their power again for a short time {bad move!} like they did during the time of the reign of the Annunaki & the various Egyptian dynasties? Or, are the people of Earth going to smarten up and say, NO. Not this time. Earth, this is our planet. This particular group of ETs, so called 'demi-gods', or any other self serving ones like them, go find something else to do with your time... somewhere else. Leave Earth humans alone. Earth people have the freedom, sovereign right... and the power to say this.
In the end, this planet and the people on it are evolving. It is the destiny of this planet, and its people, to evolve. Nothing can stop it. It's that simple. They will evolve into becoming far more beautiful, far more incredible, far more naturally gifted, higher dimensional human beings. It is going to be a glorious new existence for the human race on Earth.
It is just a matter of how easy or difficult it will be along the way... depending on personal choices. Choose wisely.
Well said Nicholas. I applaud you. this is what is the most important thing to realize. Yes It can take time to take responsibility for our decisions or acts, but once this is done, we all have the opportunity to change and focus on what we really what to do. One thing that is really helpful, is to remember our dreams. They are very good teachers. It is one of our multiple facet talking to us. They are our access to the 4D. Our guides come to us during those time. This is great because we realize that we are not that much alone. We have companionship. The simplest thing to do is to tell our guides our intention. We are all telling ourselves that this is the last Earth incarnation. Just uttering the words puts us into the path. Then we are free to focus on what we need to do to get there. This makes life sweeter, and changes our perspective on things.
I believe this planet is called by some the forcing house of karma, not only in its creation but in its culmination , working out, and extinction. the prime schoolhouse of the soul, the forcing ground of the spirit, and in the end the final exposure and clearing away of the illusion of Maya. The hardest and most painful lesson of all is to stand , spiritually stark naked with no crutches to cling to no superstitions of religion and realize in the end it is we who choose, and we who must go forward and no one there to hold our hand. This may be the ultimate message behind the earthchanges, that there is no one there , True many will help us with pure love in their hearts, but the final arbiter of all of it is we, Ourselves.
This is the one basic realization i have, rosemary, that this life may be the one golden opportunity to end the karmic chain once and for all and to move on. this may help explain why there are so many souls incarnated on this planet at the present time and undergo so many hardships. . This is my one desire, never to come back, not in a 3 d body that is,
WOW Rosemary I am speechless
I am not sure if I am. My first incarnation on Earth was in Atlantis. I did abuse my power. I was a priest taking care of the half human half beast people. In this life, I am trying very hard to end all karmas, but it seems that it is the other people who do not want to end them. Most of my lives were in the healing profession.
I have no karmic memories to my conscious knowledge though wonder, even suspect I had time in Rome, maybe in the legions but that could be my imagination. It may be, if the vibrations are shifting in each if u these memory's will come to the fore. I still say there are many former Atlanteans amongst is now as well as many from other races who have incarnated as way showers to the rest when these changes kick in. You are fortunate in this Rosemary.
NICK I lived right next to the Mall and water fountain down town.
Thanks Byron. How sweet of you.
Maybe we all have found a common karmic connection, here on this and the other forum? where were you, Byron, in Atlantis, by the way? and fancy meeting you all here again, funny old world as Margaret Thatcher said. before they kicked her out that is...