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  • I remember back in 2008 when Clifford Carnicom became very upset because so many Microbiologists started dying. He knew at that point the ones that were dying were getting very close to dangerous information.  

  • W&R, the dead scientists obviously knew something the gov't didn't want leaked.

  • Let me try posting the link on assassinated geneticists again, sorry I should have tested it:

  • How to subjugate a people:  destroy their language.  Didn't the English do that to the Irish?

  • Keith, it looks like a cross between Russian and Greek.

  • W&R the page is not accessible. Good point about DNA.

  • Jim, while I copied it from the source, it's in Word, special symbols and characters, within the Cyrillic alphabet:  Я.

    There's so much we don't know, W&R.  You may be closer to the truth than we are comfortable knowing.  JimB might could speak up about Atlantis.  I've had some recalls in the past I didn't understand, but your statement seems consistent with those recalls and sparks a kind of uncomfortable feeling.

  • I've thought for a long time that there are answers (to all of this) hidden in our DNA.

    Keith, I think Bartzis also said our ascension is holding up the process on a number of planets - so many are keen for us to get moving. If only we knew how?

    Speaking of an alien presence - spooky:


  • Here is a reference on the assassinations:

  • The focus in this article is on Human DNA, but I think analysis of the DNA of all lifeforms on Earth will indicate intentional programming to some degree, well beyond random selection of traits in the evolutionary model. I sometimes wonder if the organic, living "nature" we see around us is in fact a ruin, or perhaps more like a functional relic of an old technology, the use and purpose of which we have long forgotten or were never fully aware of. Deep down I feel we forgot how to use the computing power of the lifeforms around us. Could it be wandering around naked in the woods is actually part of a more technologically advanced behavior, than using tools and machinery to cope with and control that environment?

    The answer lies in all DNA around us, almost all of which is more closely related to our own than we realize. DNA potentially has quantum computing abilities, and possibly even quantum communication ability (the instantaneous affecting of the state of particles a few feet to many light years away, which means instant telephoning anywhere with no lag.) .What answers were found that led to the global mass assassination of genetic scientists in the past decade and a half, particularly 2004?

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