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  • It is still there on today's images as well.  It just moved to the right a little.

  • Yes, Brian.  Definitely getting close to some kind of climax.

  • Brian,

    As for scope think I posted an image to give people an idea of the size of these anomalies....

    Huge doesn't do it justice we are talking bigger than Jupiter here.

  • Cheryl, it could be either or.  A recharge for the UFO or it could be the UFO speeding up the process or deterring it.  Time will tell and I am hoping it is deterring it.

  • We asked that question regarding this image... was the beam outbound or inbound?


  • Or was the UFO simply recharging....idea courtesy of Stargate Universe :)

  • Looks also that upon impact comet "Swan" disrupted the sun just a tad.


    This is on Stereo Ahead Cor 2.  The sun is going bonkers, UFO's out there craft shooting at the sun, another something shooting a beam, "cylinders".  Sun shooting CMEs at the craft.  Whoa!

  • Nah, it's the bad guys from the original StarGate movie.  Goa'uld.

  • Even Nibiru is possible at this point.

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