I am not going to censor the news.  Part of the reasons behind it is:

(1) if you censor one thing, it opens the door to start censoring other things.  For example, as opposed to war news as any of you might be, I am just as opposed to Zetatalk, and could easily justify censoring it.  But I tolerate it as long as it's not preached as the only solution and copyright laws are not violated;

(2) for over three years I have cultivated an environment of freedom of speech which tolerated pro-Obama sentiments, while abridging my own freedom of speech, in the spirit of learning and giving time to discern the truth;

(3) for over three years, I was willing to listen to the arguments, read and listen to both sides of the story, and consider whether he is a old soul/star seed, or not.  I have formed my conclusions and it is time for those who believe in the Obama deception to learn and discern the flip side of the coin, the war on Syria being just one of many, many issues.

(4) while I do believe dwelling on negative things has adverse consequences (remember my blog about Zetatalk becoming what it was resisting?), I also believe we can't bury our heads in the sand.  I try to balance the negative with positive as much as I can.  I don't think we are at the spiritual state or have the spiritual strength at this time to totally handle the negative by spiritual means.  Thus, it needs to be a multi-frontal approach.  It appears that shining the national spotlight on the plans for crimes or exposing the crimes of this Administration prevents them from being carried out (e.g., nuclear false flags, etc.) or discredits the Administration in the aftermath (Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious, etc.).  How does a "national spotlight" shine except by crimes plotted and committed and hidden in the shadows of lies and web of deceit being brought to the national attention by every news outlet not in the employ of the ptb?  Saying it loud and saying it many times is what finally gets into people's heads what's going on.  Saying it once and saying it quietly does not have the same effect.

(5) on the issue of focusing what you want to attract, wouldn't continual focusing on earthchanges bring about earthchanges?  As far as ZT goes, with the discrepancies and outright lies we've found, even if there is some truth there, doesn't focusing on it give it power over those reading it and help manifest it?  If not, then someone please explain the difference to me, because I don't see it.

We are living in dark days and sending love and light is much appreciated, but also realize that the spiritual battles have boots on the ground and those boots get muddy.  Everyone do your part as your conscience dictactes and I'll do mine.

I trust the readers here are mature enough to decide for themselves what to read or not.

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  • Hi, Rosemary... ,,love you.. Hope all is well....
  • Susan this was a double WOW!! article. Thank you.

    Lady Di LOL.

    Cheryl we have learn so much and we have learn in a fearless atmosphere. I am happy to have been kick out from.you know where by you know who. I did for a time feel excluded, but when Desert Rose invited me over, it felt like going home to friends I could thrust. And it is still the same after 3 years. Yes its is true, we are different and are experiencing thing differently, but ultimately, we are aiming for the same goal.

    Keep up the good work Cheryl.

  • What is also so wonderful is... We are ALL still here, alive and well, doing our best to be the Light...
  • Hey Jacks.  Been wondering where you went.  Good to see you back.

  • Susan, yes, that article is a wow.  I wonder if the shortness of our passage through 4D could be the the time of "education" Tolec mentions.

    For those who like to track timelines, here's one:

    "The 4th dimension is serving as an essential, but short-lived, stepping stone or vibrational platform from which we will all move into 5th dimensional consciousness. 5D is the target for Earth and all her inhabitants. The archangels have said the entire consciousness of Earth will be a fifth dimensional consciousness by the year 2015."

    After re-reading this article, I wondered if 3D thinking is something akin to Daniel 5:21, the biblical account of King Belshazzar (son of Nebuchadnezzar) who was given the mind of an animal in an attempt to make him acknowledge God.

  • You are so Cool!

  • Cheryl

    Well said, thanks

  • Thanks for the kind words.  There's always something to read and discuss and learn here.  We learn from each other.

    And, Susan, in case you don't know, Dianna was our first member, so she is the first lady and is addressed as Lady Di.  :-)   {I hear her giggling.}

  • That's what is so great about our site here.. The banter, and different opinions. At least I know I won't get banned just because my favorite color is purple, and Cheryl's is green.. (That is an analogy). And that is why people have been here for 3 years and 3 months and 4 days. :). Thanks Cheryl! You are doing a great job!
  • Yep, three years back on July 1st. 

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