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The Health RangerDear NaturalNews readers,

This is the most pressing urgent report I've published in at least a year.

The battle for humanity is nearly lost. Food is now deliberately engineered to promote death, not nourishment.

Food contamination is often not an accident, and even children's vitamins are designed to cause long-term neurological damage in children.

This is the conclusion from extensive laboratory testing and food investigations we have conducted here at Natural News. My article explains all this in considerable (shocking) detail:


As part of the overall campaign to poison children, the American Dental Association (which pushes mercury in the form of fillings) now recommends that infants be fed toxic fluoride chemicals:

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  • I just went grocery shopping and now it is a really frightening experience. Buying what will give you the least amount of poison is no easy task. The most disgusting experience of shopping is looking in other unaware peoples shopping carts and knowing full well they are not even eating food.

  • Chrys, in the second video I thought they were making some good points until they both lit up at the end - now I think they were just sending the whole situation up!

    I liked the first one though!

  • Chrys   That second one reminds me of myself at the market trying to find food. That was funny my wife just asked me if I knew that girl, ha ha.  

  • There are herbals and supplements to help detox the body (do at least 2 times a year).  A reminder that I need to get myself some SLF Forte...

  • Thanks Byron.  I've known the food supply has been contaminated for many years now.  I've tried to eat as healthy as possible but even then it's difficult to avoid contaminants.  It's also nearly impossible to convince others to avoid toxic foods.  Here is a blog post with two short videos that explain what's happening pretty bluntly.  I believe the second video may contain a bad word or two, so be forewarned:

  • Peter I also hope he protected because the break troughs he has recently will have to piss TPTB off.

       Kim all the chemtrail sites I visit say their chemtrails have at least doubled before 2013 ended. I know mine have.  

  • I have seen a lot heavier chem trailing in my area in the past year.  It is disgusting.

  • Byron, I agree re Mike Adams - I hope he is well protected!

  • This place is so chemtralled it does not have a chance. Sandra this post has hit me very heavy today, I almost wish I had not read it. The implications of what it means for humanity are staggering and there is no way to brush it off as being not 100% true because it is. I am sure Mike Adams had the same feeling before he released it. He is one of the most honorable people I know.  

  • Most of my heirloom seeds grew just fine this year.  I have a feeling that my property is Divinely protected...

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