Hmmm.. another country that we have ticked off?!
Hmmm.. another country that we have ticked off?!
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Tammy there is a quadrain that talks about China. Century X-89 talks about a time, after the changes where China, Russia and the US will joins hand together and will work to create a better world. In her book, Dolores Cannon sees China opening up to democracy.
I think it was Nostradamas that said something about China in the final days.
I am veteran number 3 and find that I am targeted as a possible terrorist because of it. If you do not already have a passport you will be unlikely to get one with the new regulations. An outrigger is the best chance but watch out for the Fukishima trash on the west coast. China and Twiwan have been locked in conflict for a long time. On the Ben F blog there is a person that said the US military is searching the island and they think they are looking for the hidden gold that will help free the world. Spitting in Chinas face seems to be the thing to do now days and the the US needs to see which way the wind is blowing before it comes back into their face. If China's economy did not depend on wal-Mart we would already be in deep shit. China does not even care about its own slaves so they could be very dangerous.
Lets look at this issues from a different perspective. Bye the way, being Canadian, I love you all. How many things our countries have we done together... quite a bit.
China is trying to increase its territories by making stories about lost countries. Tibet is an example. At the moment, all Tibetan people are forced to leave their farm to be put into communes. Tibetan children are away from their parents during the week to attend government school. Class are given in both Chinese and Tibetan languages. In a few years, they will only be given in Chinese. In Africa, China has bought many farmland. They have displaced so many African tribes since the latter do not possess title to the land. The crops are exclusively for their Chinese people. China' pollution is so great, that it is drifting to our west coast. China reasons that we have to allow them to expand their economy. China's policy of one child per family has triggered a demographic nightmare. If a girl is the first born, she will more than likely aborted. Chine is quite close with Russia. Russia is also trying to get back its territories from the old USSR. A pacific way to do this is by having Russian elected into the satellite countries governments. China is doing the same thing by having their own politician elected into it satellite countries.
Now what do we do? Let China invade other countries or intervene?
Wish I could go with!
Dr.Bill you ought to know better that we will always be in someones business. I, too, served my country and we need to bring them home and lock our borders down and take care of our own problems.
That's right. That's what a sovereign nation is ... sovereign! We need to allocate our resources for our people, then help those that need help and make sure they receive it.