Thanks to Amy for the link. Notes below...
Shockingly, the Global Coastal Event appears to be on schedule for on or about 20-May-2013 (one month, or 30 days)
The GCE appears to be every much to be the greatest event in our current human history
The GCE is a process that will be occurring over a period of a decade or more but the main brunt of the GCE will occur over approximately 7 days.
It is anticipated that the rebuilding and recovery following the GCE will take a minimum of 10 to 30 years (or more in some places)
The Planetary Expansion Event will occur mostly in the Southern Hemisphere
GUS (Government of the US) going Batshit Crazy and into underground, literally.
There is no evidence that the US government exists above ground after the GCE
Financial Markets and all Paper Abstractions Starting Total Collapse this Coming Week and Next
Alien Invasions and Alien Wars
Data Holes Merging which may prevent or limit future Wujo reports and IDIRs
It is Time to Get Prepared for the End of the World as We Know It
Passwords for his latest IDIRs are in the About section.
My quick notes...
He says meteors could be associated (but not necessarily the cause) but the GCE is not a one-time event and that some places like Greenland and Canada probably wouldn't feel the effects for up to two years. Likely coming from the southern hemisphere. Violent changes could oscillate over time. But it will be bad. Will affect the weather for how many decades. Our gov'ts planetwide seem to be preparing for something. Empty cities. Seed vault. Banking system. Ramp up in militarism against the citizenry. Unstable environment putting pressure on humans. Seeing more unstable behavior. Time period May 20th to the end of the month. GCE goes over seven days of initial shock period. Sinkholes and earthquakes. Indicators of infrastructure damage. A big dam separating from its moorings. After June 1st, gov't ineffective, probably hiding. 10+ year recovery period. Financial collapse in the next week or two would be a good indicator that the GCE is coming. We have financial instability now, so looks like things are moving toward GCE. MSM = "babbling buttheads." From day your "dollar" is trashed, visible panic to purchase gold, etc., you have about 20 days before GCE begins. If no further precursors by May 20th, then reliability of GCE falls. Boston being taken over by military was predicted. Lots of information for water in the air... heading for the hills probably won't mean much. Alien wars mentioned. If we get a GCE, a few months later the aliens will come. Data holes affect ability to predict. Growth pattern of data holes are alarming. DDoS affecting their spiders in gathering information across the internet. We may not be able to make an effective forecast as of May 1 if this keeps up. This is a bad sign. Indicators have already shown we won't be able to operate. Not a good sign. Data gaps ... corporations shut down not long after ... Next week or two financial problems. Wednesday or Thursday of this week could be the beginning. (5:55 as I typed this... indicates big change.) Probably financial, probably originate in Asia.
He did call the fireball swarm (that included the Russian fireball) just days before. Of course, maybe NASA clued him in... who knows.
Yeah, I know... but when the Marian visionary popped up, well, hmmmm..... maybe there's something to it, after all...
Many elements of this prediction have much in common with ancient history and geological records. It appears to be a cyclical thing. Without going back and listening to Clif again, I think what he said about the USD was given a week or two range, so still remains to be seen.
Also, Sheldan Nidle, as well as a Marian visionary, have said new stars are about to enter our skies, which should be interesting.
And, the timing is said to be "the divine right time," and nothing happens until that moment is reached.
So, we certainly live in interesting times. Did you know that is an old Chinese curse? May you live in interesting times. I can see why.
no sign of the dollar crashing........... yet, but,
the earth is still shaking, weather is still abnormal, most of the elements of this prediction do have much in common with Nancy and Zetas take. They only differ on the causes (Nibiru,hello?)
they just won't go out on a limb and give an (exact/vague) date... Cliff was pretty sure the dollar collapse would start on monday 22nd.....wrong so far this week....sooooo....
...oh, and Bible prophecies.... Gods' will is the bottom line... yep!
Rosemary I don't think anyone will ever be totally ready. All depends on what happens and how bad it is. Utube is pulling a lot of videos lately. I really hope this is a non event like so many we have already been through together in the last couple years.
That was quit a broadcast. I feel ill prepared to face this event. Byron, I have done the same. My prep were done, but I feel that there is still tons of things to do,
The YouTube video below has been removed. I hope it was not too important. Did anyone feel their ears pop this afternoon? It lasted bor about 1/2 an hour.
ready as I'll ever be... yep!
Gt Big prepper A year ago I think I was over prepped for the world to end. Now I have to remember where I put everything and maybe dust a few things off.
Yeah, there's been a ton of quakes... China, Iran...
Know the feeling, GT, but don't quit now. You won't be able to after it begins.