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  • Chuck or Mustafa was in the Navy too.
  • Keith HLS and DOJ  have veterans listed as the number 1 threat in there hand book. Oathkeepers is considered a terrorist organization. They fear us because we were trained to fight. 
  • KEITH  We met in nam in 1969 and got back together to start a survival comunity an he gave up when he found out our government concidered him a terrorist for being a veteran. We couldnt afford to leave or we would be gone too. Yes Alex is falling through the cracks too. For 16 years he has tried to wake people up and is also very disapointed. I can only handle a couple hours a week, the truth is very depressing now days. 
  • Alex Jones anounced that Jesse was going to call into the show after he got out of court with the TSA case he was fighting. I listened to the whole show and Jesse was not on, maybe still in court. We will have to wait for the Sunday show to hear the verdict. Jesse has said he feels that all the effort to wake people in america has failed and he wants to quit trying anymore. Alex admitted he also is frustrated with america wakng up so slow.It is not easy to wake a population of people when their air, water, food and minds have been poisoned.   
  • Wow!! is it really that bad. Here we are encouraged to collect rainwater... for now... who knows. Are we going to have a link for Jesse's interview with Alex Jones?? I would like very much to hear what Jesse has to say. I have been listening to Jesse TV show. I like him a lot. It is unfortunate that he is suffering from a medical condition. Well all the best to him and I hope that he keeps on fighting.
  •  Keith   Mustafa in cairo was my roomate here in Idaho and he finally gave up and left in Feb. Jesse Ventura is going to denounce his american citizenship today on Alex Jones if he loses his case against TSA.
  • Cheryl   Yes and here is a green bullet for saving rain water to water your illegal garden.
  • These famine unfortunately were man made. Instead of policing countries, they should have money put aside for reforestation. It is funny that Somalia tugs are responsible for attacking foreign ships in the sea of Aden and yet the money they steal do not even serve to improve the life of their countryman.
  • Climate Change Police with "green" helmets so we know why we are being clubbed and gunned down.  Because the climate is changing.  Any old reason will do to depopulate.
  • Oh boy I can see it coming CLIMATE CHANGE POLICE.
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