SUNDIVING COMET: A newly-discovered comet is diving toward the sun. Chinese comet hunter Bo Zhou found it on Oct. 19th in SOHO coronagraph images. The comet is faint now, but it should brighten in the hours ahead as it heats up. To see it, first check the finder chart, then play the latest movie. That tadpole is a doomed comet. Updates will be posted as the view improves.
And, DON'T Forget that Comet Hartley-2 made it's CLOSEST Approach to Earth today at 11.2 or 11.3 million miles.. This could be a potentially DANGEROUS Situation because this comet has a JUPITER-SIZED Atmosphere and with the SUN showing 5 Sunspots today & the already volatile situation on the Sun having something like a 250,000 mile-long Magnetic Filament Ring, The Sun could OUTLEASH SOMETHING... COMETS EFFECT THE SUN because Comets DISCHARGE the Sun, which is the Comet's "CAPACITOR" If I understand Professor Mccanney correctly....
More Evidence that X is coming in ????
Ring in the sun, what's up with that? I've run the movie from the 13th to now. The ring is there!