Disclouser TV site taaked down?

I am quite surprised that no one has mentioned this yet.  Some say it is a hoax.  But if it was then why is it still there?  I googled the site and got the same notice.  It seems that 76 sites were taken down and all of them had to do with UFO's or paranormal info.   What do you think is going on?10958012497?profile=original

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  • Thanks.  I want to know how serious a threat this might be to this group.

  • Skeeter, do you have a link to gov't considering ET friendly people to be terrorists? 

  • No info on the 76 other sites.  I read it somewhere while trying to find out what was going on. 

  • I realize the disclose.tv was a prank but do you have info on the other 75 sites you claim to know about?

  • Nice piece of work Chrys!   Glad it was a spoof.

  • Yeah, let's send them a bill.  ;-)

  • Glad it wasn't real.  I see now it was disclose.tv, not disclosure.tv. 

  • The site is back up.  Below is a statement regarding the seizure:


    "Obviously the domain seizure was no real event with actual authorities involved, but due to maintenance downtime of the site for the re-launch. Copying millions of videos, forum posts, images etc. takes a very long time. We decided to put the "seizure info" online, because we wanted to use the downtime to make a point about major threats to the Internet and free speech. Without doubt this could have been a real event in the very near future, given that policies and laws like CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), SOPA, PIPA are allowed by the Internet community to be introduced. In light of this, we decided to dedicate a new forum in the Specials section to this ongoing issue; it's called "Internet Censorship & Lockdown"."

  • First, the use of the # sign is improper legal citation, so based on that it appears fake to me.  There is an 18 USC 981 that pertains to civil forfeiture.  The seal on the right United States of America Freedom Justice Liberty pertains to what agency?  None I could find.  EACO doesn't turn up anything pertinent either.

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