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  • Keep your situational awareness high.  Anything doesn't feel right, then skedaddle.

  • Statement to ponder. I am not sure if something like this could happen here in Canada, but the message is duly noted.

  • That's best, Weiynala, because if and when it happens it will happen fast. 

  • Not planning to do so.  (go anywhere)

  • Yes, everyone should be tying up loose ends ASAP, just in case.  I have my own viewpoint on the stop notice (you know I would), but why beat a dead horse, right?

  • Sizzle, I think you're right about that.  I've always wondered how all this "insider" info makes it to the internet and the gov't does nothing to stop it. 

    Of course, when the grits finally do hit the fan and you are somewhere else, you will be stuck.  If you haven't read James Wesley Rawles' novel, Survivors, that's exactly what happens.  A military guy gets discharged in Germany and has to find his way back to the states, via South America and Mexico.  Again, a preparedness manual dressed as fiction.

  • Well, let's see them try to stop 'em.  Ha!

  • Ok but the trips w/ my friends at night may still happen anyway ;D

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