This might explain why nothing happened at the GridEx II drills?

Dr. James Garrow, the philanthropist and former US clandestine operative revealed on Nov. 18 in posts on social media that among the top military brass who have been relieved of duty by the Obama administration, there are three who were involved in preventing the President from launching a “false flag” attack on the US this Fall, one which involved nuclear devices and was calculated to cripple American infrastructure. The posts, as well as re-posts from Garrow’s friends and followers, were scrubbed by social media outlets. On Nov. 19, Garrow appeared on the FULL-CONTACT With Erik Rush LIVE! streaming radio show here. The content of Dr. Garrow’s scrubbed posts appears below. Three individuals have just saved 300 million lives in the past 2 weeks. They saved the 90% of the population that would be dead if Bathhouse Barry had not been stopped from using 3 nuclear devices against the American populace. 2 Army Generals and 1 Navy Admiral, whose duties included the safeguarding and oversight of the nuclear arsenal. Obama ordered that 3 nukes be transported in a major breach of protocol and safety regulations of long standing. He wanted it NOW, and these officers were made aware of what the intention was. The admiral had the one Navy nuke taken 200 miles off South Carolina and detonated deep in the ocean. The other 2 nukes disappeared thanks to the handiwork of the 2 Generals, the numbers 1 and 2 men in charge of the Army ordinance. These three men are heroes of the highest order. Look up the events of 2 Generals and 1 Admiral being dismissed in the past two weeks and you will find their names. They saved your lives and the lives of 300 million of your fellow citizens. Mr. Obama’s intention was to set off the three nukes to devastate all computer related systems on the continent thus taking America back 200 years and guaranteeing a total breakdown in society and with in one year the death of 300 million Americans. To see how this would be possible read, “One Second After”. You can get it on Amazon. We peered over the edge of the precipice of the death of our civilization and have lived to tell the tale. 3 heroes stood tall for America and the mad man in the white house was stopped for the first time in his life. He is unsure of what to do just now and he does not possess the keys to the nuclear submarines nor the two nukes that are now hidden. For the first time in his life someone said no, meant it, and stopped him from murder and devastation. The next few days are critical. Be afraid and go to prepper sites to find out how to save your family, if you can. – Dr. Jim Garrow, Nov. 18, 2013 In the condominium complex in Casa Grande, Arizona, where I have a unit, a visit was made yesterday by a group of 4 men in a black Suburban with lots of antenna’s on the roof. The management of our large group of condo’s was asked to open the door of my unit. The badges were a combination of many different alphabet agencies including my former one. Interesting because after I posted about EMP’s and missing nukes my phone rang late in the evening and I was requested to cease and desist. My posts have been removed. I am not however repentant, nor cowed. If anything like this happens again I have instructed people to begin the release of documents and information as per prepared plans in the hands of these people. Obama is known for overplaying his hand, and now should be known far and wide as a dangerous amateur. He may have gotten Breitbart, Hastings and Clancy, but they were just writers. I hope that he enjoys the protests today in DC. – Dr. Jim Garrow, Nov. 19, 2013

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  • Steven

       The most important point in getting O out of office is the power he has to destroy this country even more than he already has, If he can be impeached The NDAA and peacetime Martial law Executive order can be dissolved. His secret treaty the TPP alone will destroy this country. We also have to stop Otraumacare it is also a country killer. What just happened in the senate with the republicans not being able to filibuster anymore means the President has a Rubber stamp for anything he wants from them we are now 50/50 dictatorship. Any appointment position O wants he can get and he has a few nasty ones lined up.  When He gets our guns he will kill almost all of us, remember he is good at it. His plan for America is, it will be a Muslin country by 2016 and he has said that twice Now. We don't have a choice.      

  • Reading these comments will help me be more understanding and tolerant in future negative coversations about obama. Im always thinkin "man I'm tired of hearin people yalk about this obvious puppet and not bring up masterminds" but I can see the benefits of positively participating in the idea of removal of mr O.
  • No, Valerie Jarret isn't the president, she's just the president's handler.

    True, no matter who's in office will be forwarding the Grand Agenda, but the don't-give-a-damn arrogance has reached fever pitch on the O watch.

  • Chrys    I think removing O is very important if only to delay what is going on right now, It is pretty well known that Valerie Jarrett is the real President and we all know it is bigger than Just a couple people. You have to start disrupting the chain of command somewhere and real soon. 

  • This is just my opinion but I don't think Obama had anything to do with these plans other than doing what he was told to do, nor do I think he wishes destruction upon the country.  Obama and every single president in the White House since JFK has been nothing more than a front man, a puppet playing to the tune of the evil masters behind the scenes who tell them to do what they say, or they'll experience horrific consequences.  In this situation, they've done a very good job, as Obama is a currently a lightning rod for blame, while the elite families continue to plan for our annihilation.  Remove Obama and I guarantee the same exact scenarios will play out under his successor, no matter who it is.  I'm certain the real masters of evil in this world are laughing at us as we think removing Obama will fix anything.  The problem is FAR deeper and higher up than any public figure.

  • I am very glad there are people watching the chicken coup. Media is the only thing that keeps him in office. Makes you wonder if he isn't trying to be the all time winner of the Genocide award. We were lucky this time.

  • Yep.  And his statement about being "good at killing people" has created an international uproar, calling for retraction of his Nobel Peace prize.

  • And the plot thickens. Certainly punching huge holes in the 'Obama is a light-worker' crowd's arguments/theories. This however, seems more believable. I wonder though, why does he hate America so? 

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