Farewell ... Good-bye

Farewell is short for fare the well -- good wishes upon parting, may things go well for you.  Good-bye is short for God be with ye, an invocation of divine protection. 

Many of us, after all the years of anticipating the arrival of Planet X, are sensing the time for action is drawing near.  Some of our members have already departed for their safer locations and others are on the verge of departing.  Thus, it seems appropriate at this time for us all to share our farewells and good-byes while we still can.  And, of course, if things don't go as worst case as they could, report back to duty.  :-)

I wish you and yours all that heaven will allow and end this blog with an old Irish blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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  • Are we going somewhere?

  • Can not say it as good as it has been said here already!


    The Great Spirit is with All!

  • we ended up on the big island. the only thing keeping this economy from complete collapse is people growing marijuana and being on SSI....so everyone is doing sustainable, gardens, shares, all kinds of opportunities existing.


  • I hope we can keep in touch, during and after, whatever is to happen... that has been said before, but today especially, 9/26/11, very meaningful... love you guys!
  • Desert Rose, I too agree with the others!!  How beautifully put and it says everything we all want to say!
  • desertrose, you articulate beautifully! Thanks for artistically expressing our love for this Ning.
  • Thank you, DesertRose.... and what she said...goes from me, too..  Unspeakable love... to all of you... Peace.
  • Thank  you  Keith for your support  and  your  kind  words.  I have  fallen  short  of all I  feel in  my  heart that  I  wished to convey.  Words can  never  truly  convey the power of the  love  and  affection  that  abides in  this  place with all of  you.


    Thank  you !

  • I will not  say Goodbye.  I  will simply  limit  myself to say  Thank you!

    Thank you  for being  my  famiy  when  there  was  none for me to  rely  on .

    Thank you  for being  my  friends  when all others  had  turned their backs.

    Thank you  for giving me a  place  where  I  felt understood  and  safe from being  accosted for what I  believe.

    Thank you  for  accepting me as  I  am  and  affording  me  your hearts and your minds as I spoke from mine.

    Thank you  for being the angels  the Creator  gifted me with in my moment of need.


    I have  walked many  miles  alone,  I have  shed many  tears,  I have  seen  much  injustice. They  have  served to make me  stronger.  I have  learned  to  love,  I  have  learned  to  be  patient,  I have learned  to be understanding,  I  have learned the meaning of community.  I have learned  that all of you are  my  family , my  friends  my  community.  My heart ,  my love and  my prayers  go  out to  each and  everyone of you.

    Thank you  from the depths of my heart for your  love and understanding.  May we  find one  another when the time of tribulation is over.

    Blessings of  Love  and  Light to all of  you  my  Sisters and  Brothers ,  my heart  goes  with  you !

  • I know that, Keith... I'm still not saying 'goodbye' to anyone.... see ya' later... so long... not good bye... I think this thread is bringing home the reality of it all... to me... as I tend to be a 'blue sky' type of girl....

    Of course, I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you, and it has been my honor to work with you on this great 'wake up' project of planet Earth..

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