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  • Lee a few years ago when I started learning about the weapon technology most have no clue even exists I knew we were in big trouble and somebody else was needed to help us.

  • Also, a preacher by the name of David Wilkerson, who received info from above the day before 9/11, has said he had visions of NYC being on fire as if it was bombed.  Now, if so, this could tie in with the other visionaries message.  So something is up like something is being planned and this whole thing stinks.

  • Lee that's very interesting but not too happy. I think we are on the verge of some of this coming true. 

  • Lee you are a valuable part of our gang.

  • Lee right on there will  be no peanuts and popcorn for all. When you finish with the translation I will be interested to hear it. Not that my mind is in need of much more information because it is already pouring out of my brain on the table and now I have the pleasure of putting it together like a crossword puzzle. But we are all in the same boat, so many parts that just don't seem to fit together. We do a good job of figuring things out on this site.  

  • Lee that sounds like that could be the last prediction.

  • This is the last thing we want/wish/need!

    I hope your prayers are answered Kim.

  • A Jesus visionary on GLP received info that a nuclear bomb was smuggled into the U.S. by terrorists.  This visionary has a good track record of prophecies coming true, I hope and pray these terrorists and the bomb are intercepted before something horrible happens.

  • Two rockets went up on the 4Th of July with lithium gas to test the wind currents over populated areas of the east coast. This is not starting to paint a pretty picture if MERS was man made they have a cure for it. SARS attacked mostly Asians and Ben Fulford said that the Asians believe TPTB created to kill them.

  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is an illness caused by a newly discovered virus in the same family as SARS. Most of the documented cases have come from Saudi Arabia, which has seen a 54 percent mortality rate in those patients Maybe they were testing it in Saudi Arabia. Didn't NASA just cover FEMA region 3 with lithium? two months ago. 

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