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  • I agree with this. If I have to choose between an outdated can and nothing, The can will be eaten. Some acidic products are a concern. They corrode the metal. We need to do a visual inspection before opening.
  • I know there's reasons for regulations but then it becomes a blanket for everything.  I just want people to know that many things don't go bad after their expiration date.  Yes, flavor and nutrition start declining, but it is still edible.  Knowing this could mean the difference between life and death.  Old food might not taste great or have much nutrition but at least it provides calories and bulk, both of which are necessary.
  • Well the oldest fruit cake is now 120 years old. It was tested in a lab to see if disease causing bacteria had grown on it. Non were found. It is a combination of sugar and rum (alcohol) that help preserve the cake. In a way it is pickled.

    Cheryl, the food industry had to comply to regulations set by public health departments. Some food producer were selling foods that were of very poor quality to make money. That is why there is a expiry date. When I was young, Butchers use to put old meat with new meat to make money. Unfortunately, some people have died.

  • Love the post thanks a million.

  • Yes, Jim, I believe foods are labeled that way to get people to toss and buy more, sort of like the planned obsolence of textbooks...a reason to get people to buy more.
  • Rosemary, are fruitcakes immortal?  Pickled?  ;-)
  • She forgot to mentioned fruit cake. LOL
  • I should have read this story first.  I see they addressed the honey issue.  One time a few years ago I finally finished off a refrigerated jar of strawberry jam that tasted very good, only to discover that it had a best by date of two years previous.  So I can kick my self for tossing 15 jars that were only six months past best by date.  Live and learn!
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