This video series goes a long way to explain some very interesting concepts and points that have been discussed and disagreed upon for a very longtime. It may not jive with everyone's concept. However, it goes a long way to making logical and rational interjections on topics that up till now have been rather sketchy for some.
He discusses the being lost in light and bliss aspect that many have taken refuge in.
Reclaiming our free will sovereignty
Reclaiming our anger (because we need it)
Fighting back against the forces of dark.
Something that I have always believed but I have always been told is a misguided approach. So I was very gla to see someone else actually verbalize my thoughts on this matter.
The series is somewhat lengthy, but seem to worth the time. I am only half way through it myself. so I will make the link available for anyone who wishes to watch it as well.
Published on Sep 2, 2013
The galactic history, as related by Andrew Bartzis (the galactic historian), who has access to the akashic records. Transcripts are available at the web site.
Galactic History -- Part 2
Galactic History -- Part 1
Galactic History -- Part 3
Galactic History -- Part 4
Galactic History -- Part 5
Galactic History -- Part 6
Galactic History -- Part 7
Galactic History -- Part 8
Galactic History -- Part 9
Galactic History -- Part 10
Galactic History -- Part 11
Galactic History -- Part 12
Galactic History -- Part 13
Galactic History -- Part 14
Galactic History -- Part 15
Galactic History -- Part 16
Galactic History -- Part 17
Galactic History -- Part 18
Galactic History -- Part 19
Galactic History -- Part 19
Galactic History -- Part 20
I will try to go through it again and give you the time line where I saw it. unless it was just my imagination. But I will let you know either way.
Rosemary, "a group" meaning a group of ETs?
Andrew seem to be somewhat restricted to what he can divulge. I did mentioned that a group was monitoring what he was saying and send him some type of feeling when they disapproved.
not sure but the edit was unmistakable as was the absence of info on the zetas
So, the part that Rosemary earlier said sounded edited was the Zeta part? Wonder why they'd edit it? What are they trying to hide?
Good point I also was waiting for more information at that point too.
Yes Rosemary they heavily edited the part that dealt with the zeta. Not one word was mention after.
Understand, Keith. Don't want you too. Just asked in case you might have remembered.
After falling asleep on part 9 4 times, I finally got to part 11. It seem that near the last 4 minutes or so, the video seem to have been cut and glued back together. Any one else notice this?
Although living in this 3 D world I find it hard to believe this man is a world historian he does have some very strange realities. To me it seems like we will always be in a battle for good and evil sneaking in to take control of us and I can only wonder is it all worth the effort.