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  • Thanks, Rosemary.  Yes, it is sickening. 

  • Oh! my Cheryl. I have now realized to what extent we are manipulated. This is sickening to say the least.

    In 1956, Velma Kane married to David Orlikow member of the Canadian Parliament suffered from post partum depression after the birth of her daughter. Velma was seen by Dr. Cameron and admitted to the Allan Memorial Institute. During a period of 2 years, she receive LSD 14 times.

    Here is a link to her story and some other patient:


    Here is another sick story:

    French village went insane after CIA spiked its bread with LSD

    These links corroborate the information on your link Cheryl.

  • You might find this interesting:

  • well, these are rumours, the truth will always elude us. the question arises though, how did this rumour of marriage to Bill Hamilton occur? Maccaney alludes to there being a lot more to Nancy than we are told, so far he refrains from elaborating. he knows a great deal about her background I think. I have heard though she is or was connected to a team of programers, any ideas?

  • Nicholas, I saw on GLP years ago where she was asked, and denied, that she was married to Bill Hamilton. 

  • Sunday, March 10th, 2013 10:22 Mountain time. GLP is up and running fine now.

  • wasn’t NL linked to or even part of a software group that developed the Promise Software system, the CIA now or at least used to use? Some say she was the wife of Bill Hamilton who I believe wrote the Promise Software.

    All part of the internet surveillance system.

  • I can see the main forum page but if you try to click on a link, it will not take you there.

    It has been that way all weekend.

    Is it working for anyone?

  • The ban was lifted.  I posted one thing then I was banned again within an hour or so.  But, just to let them know, I got through to a few people before they did.  The veil of secrecy is shredding.

  • I recall that I read GLP that Trinity did say he suspected "crazy" NL, as he called her, for doing something.  This was several weeks ago.  If so, she could be doing more than just messing up his site.

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