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  • Cheryl, you have a good point...and it could even blanket the faultline.. I guess we'll know within the next two weeks:

  • None of us know all the factors the engineers are looking at.  This may have been the lesser of two evils.
  • You can go to his new website which is still under construction currently but it's going to be very nice when all done:

  • He is very very concerned about it, and thinks the weight of the flood water can cause an earthquake there at some point but doesn't know how long that will take....... However, he does state he doesn't know whether or not it will......

    I personally find it odd they would flood that sensitive earthquake fault line zone in the first place..

  • Thank goodness he's getting credit for his time and research efforts to help keep us informed... He's in St. Loius Missouri so he's our New Madrin Faultline watch dog..among all the others he informs concerning their areas..
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