My sister in Hawaii sent me two emails, the first said all the homeless vets were being moved to the other side of the island, the beaches have been closed at dusk and armed military are patrolling them. Here is the second     Email.                                                 My friend has been in line for over 1.30 hours just to get 1/2 mile to get our medications. All  cars are being pulled over for ID and reason for being on the street. This is Nov. 3rd our SS pay day, O is no coming until the 7th. I can'twait to get the hell out. I have talked to Mike and I am sending him a cheap laptop so we can comunicate. It seem like everything is happening all at once. I will keep you informed. Hawaii UPDATE              
. This is the latest on Waikiki; Most of the homeless were removed from Waikiki during the night in military transport trucks. All have been bunched together so it is unknown who the war vets are. Discussions about where they have been taken can't come up with the answer but friends on the many military bases say they are not on the bases. 10% of our building is war veterans apartments. I have been talking to one who is a friend and giving him info on things I have learned so far. He said that the APEC people getting here now. Hope they don't expect a nice seaside vacation. Also we are now getting the pollution clouds from Japan's disaster. People with respiratory problem are getting very sick. 
              Notice being put up
              APEC is coming to Waikiki (11/7-13)
Suggestions:  Do your grocery shopping, medication pick-up etc. this weekend so you will not have to go out next week. Reschedule doctor's appointments. Bus and Handi-Vans will have a hard time getting to you. Ambulances for emergencies will be available but may take longer getting into Waikiki.
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  • Weinala

    So VERY WELL said and are words to live by (pun intended)

     We need to not allow fear to over ride our wisdom and good hearts.  Lets just stick to the facts, not entertain or give any power to people who are looking to empower themselves above others with fear tactics and crazy therories.  Lets just watch the planet and the sky.  Share our thoughts and knowledge that will help each other and not be disrespectful.

    Thank you for sharing

    I love this site too!

  • Weiynala   I for one have missed you, you always have something worthwhile to add to our posts. My sister just wrote to say that the homeless have returned using ther free bus pases and all that they once had has been removed. Since they were removed in the night and returned in the day light they may be taken away again, how sad. Thanks for the story
  • It reads like a movie script, but it is not one. I am not sure if our prime minister will do the same.
  • This smells like a dead rat!!!!!!!!!

    Is there maybe a bunker or underwater bunker??????

    Why is the prez going so early to the meeting, which is on the 12th and 13th



  • WHO is APEC
  • I added a new update from Hawaii to the blog above
  • Why in the world would they do it so early?

    Lorraine,you better be glad your kids are here close by. My daughter is stuck in Germany until next October.

  • My sister has decided that living on an island is not a good idea, she is heading for Wyoming.
  • Bryon

    I hope all goes WELL with your family!

    I worry about my children and grandchildren all the time

    I pray they will be able to get to me when the shtf

    They live 4 hours from me, thank god it is not an ocean away

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