Excerpted from Part 3 of the transcription at https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/56-answers-of-an-alien-from-andromeda#comments:
Question, Jose asks, would we have a shower of neutron radiation, and if so how can we protect from it? Is been said that radiation will erase, or impaired our reasoning for an undetermined amount of time, or indefinitely, is it true? Also there are other indicators that would advise internet to stop functioning gradually beginning march 2012. Do you know something about this?
- Jose, there will be a great shower of radiation with the approach of Dwarf Star. Starting in January, your satellites are being eliminated, so the Internet will not work, as the satellites are being destroyed. Many of your satellites will lose their orbits now, during the approach of Elenin. Radiation from Dwarf Star added to solar flares, will begin to affect other satellites from the end of January 2012. In fact, the radiation will decrease only in late 2012, early 2013. Humans will protect more during the day and be more active at night. That was why the elites provided seed banks, as flora and fauna will suffer greatly in this situation and how much would be lacking. This radiation is like a microwave; it can literally affect the brain by internal heating and disable many functions, it will be important to keep well protected from the sun during solar flares detected all in advance. When you sense the sun burning in your hand skin, do not expose the rest of the body.
Thanks for the info John.
One last thing I thought of.....use lead based paint on the walls of your home....yes its bad for you in the long run but its also protective when it comes to radiation.....
Will it be evenly distributed? Or hit certain spots of earth worse than others?
Remember the south pole picture of the 3 people in radiation suits. MYLAR can offer some protection. Does not cost much. I know of 4 types.