Not sure if this website is legit or not, but thought some might find this interesting.
Not sure if this website is legit or not, but thought some might find this interesting.
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Doesn't the military have something in space that can blow up these things?
Forgot to mention this is yet again taken with a grain of salt.....
Not the first time nor the last....we are transient in nature....and regardless the cause of the end of the human species, it will come eventually.....LOVE/LIVE/EXPERIENCE.......That's what we are here to do, so try to get as much of it in as possible.
Norad, I only saw it once. About Indonesia sinking.
NORAD, After the Elenin hysteria, I take absolutely EVERYTHING with a grain of salt nowadays.
Hi Suanne,
We post articles from it, but keep a skeptical eyebrow raised. They've posted ZT before so I don't think their discernment is top notch.