Go to link and highlight the very upper left corner with your mouse. There's a clock counting down, it said: 96 days, 14 hours, 44 min, 34 seconds just now, at 4:15 MST on Thursday, Sept 1. That would calculate out to December 7thish around 6am MST, 8AM Eastern, taking into account "falling back" by an hour, if I'm calculating correctly...could be a hoax, or perhaps not. Hold down control and a at the same time and you will see it.
Thanks, I see that now...missed it before. Very impressive graphics on that site...obviously someone who knows what he's doing...
I used to live in SC mountains as well, in Boulder Creek. Long time ago, though...before I ever heard of the Illuminati.
Check out this strange website...play around with it, hold your mouse over different areas of the pyramid and see what it says in the lower right corner...very interesting...found this when I Googled "Ancient Order of Bavarian Seers"
That's pretty creepy. I looked at the source information before, but did not notice that, since I'm not up on reading computer source code. I was only looking at the settings for the countdown to determine the date/time. Thanks for pointing that out...ominous is right...too late for WHAT???
Here's something interesting about the site guys... I have a computer programmer friend who looked up the code for the website and when the clock reaches zero a message will appear that will read: Sorry, you are too late. You can view the source code for the site by right clicking on the page and selecting view source. Scroll down and you will see the text to appear when clock reaches zero. Probably BS, but pretty ominous nonetheless. Especially lining up with the Mythi prediction and all... Good Grief.