Someone posted a ZetaTalk article on the survivepx group. I noticed a new copyright notice at the bottom. Ms. Lieder / is now expressing, for the first time, a more restrictive distribution policy of ZetaTalk. The following language was appended at the end of the Safe Locations text that was copied and reposted:
All rights reserved to ZetaTalk.
This document may be printed and used by individuals
for their own use, to be shared with friends and family and associates,
ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.COM 2010
I read this to mean that posting Zetatalk on earthchanges.ning or any other group is now prohibited, a strange change over her past 15 years of laissez faire "openness" and a mission to inform the masses (especially now that earth changes are escalating) but her prerogative nevertheless.
However, there is a Fair Use provision in the law which provides for limited usage for certain purposes such as discussion, education, and parody, among other reasons, which you can review here: Read it and act accordingly.
So, please refrain from reposting ZetaTalk here on Thanks for your cooperation.
Thanks A BUNCH, for keeping me straight.
Nancy's true colors just keep coming out.