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  • They talk about the Knights Templar. I tend to disagree with what the article said. Jacques Lebel was the king of France who destroyed the Templar. He wanted their money and gold for his own use. The Templar were well organised and had a money system comparable to today's standards.

  • Yes, Matt is a good one to talk to.

  • I would like to hear what Matt Beal has to say about this since he has gone through this himself,

  • I wonder about the veracity of this article.  "Svali" gave out enough information to be identified.  Grew up in the cult.  Was on a farm in Virginia as a child.  Got the shock treatments.  Is a registered nurse.  Living in Texas.  If these tidbits of info are correct, then she could be identified. 

    Before It's News doesn't vet its info well.  They publicized ZT data that Indonesia was sinking.

    So, then, what's the point of this article?  Disinformation?  I'm not sure.

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