Is Planet X a Threat to Earth?

Link from Sheldon Day to this Bart Sibrel article...


"I was first told about Planet X by a high ranking source at NASA in or about 1989.  They said that the planet was going to make a dangerously close approach to earth in the second half of the second decade of the 21st century."

"The planet is pitch black and near the temperature of absolute zero, requiring very specialized infrared satellites to be observed, which only the US government owns, having launched them specifically for this confidential purpose.  This being the case, traditional astronomers will not be able to observe the planet until it is right upon us, ..."

"Both the scientists I have interviewed and the scriptural scholars are predicting the exact same upcoming events caused by this large approaching heavenly object: Increasing unpredictable comets and asteroids thrown out of their normal orbits by Planet X’s gravitational field; Increasing Earthquakes (as Planet X approaches, it pulls at the earth’s crust with ever greater intensity); Upcoming disastrous meteor showers (as the earth passes, twice, through Planet X’s “debris field” of millions of accompanying asteroids; Hailstones of up to 100 pounds falling from the sky (as the earth tilts temporarily by Planet X’s gravity, causing arctic air to suddenly appear atop warmer climates, resulting in the moist air instantaneously freezing and falling as massive sheets of ice); Worldwide tidal waves and coastal flooding caused by Planet X’s approach and accompanying major earthquakes; Increased solar flares as the sun’s energy is magnetically drawn toward Planet X; Food shortages caused by the lack of conventional distribution from the subsequent destruction of most bridges, railroads and power grids; Disease epidemics caused by the food shortages and lack of access to medical care due to transportation failures; Economic collapse and martial law resulting from all of the aforementioned escalading events."

"Ever wonder why the magnetic north pole is moving direction so fast?  It normally moves a few feet every year because of the rotating molten core of the earth.  Presently it is moving at an unbelievable 579 feet . . . per day!  A possible sign it is being pulled toward this large approaching planet."

"Ever wonder why recently so many comets and asteroids are being discovered with so little advance warning, when previously they were detected decades before their arrival?  Could it be because Planet X is pulling them off of their normal predicted course as it comes closer to the Earth."

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  • Since we have reincarnated numerous time, some of us have been there and done that. This time around,we have the technology to take pictures or movies. We are in the mist of changes toward a higher frequency. We are living behind duality. Regardless if we survive or not, and since we are immortal, this will be an important transition for us all.

  • No fear, Cheryl - we meet our future with absolutely no fear! 

  • Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.

         ~Marcus Aurelius Antonius

  • The question is what comes first, we know what the cabal has planned for us with depopulation and more chaos. I always hoped that PX would come first or ascension to stop Agenda 21 and FEMA camps all of which we have documents to prove they are already here and moving right along. Will we have to stand up and fight for what little freedom we have left. Maybe it all will come at the same time? Most of the channels we hoped were telling us the truth about them coming to help us and not to worry have fallen from our grace. If we survive what ever comes our way it will be from our own doing and knowledge that we have accumulated here to do it.  I have never stopped believing that PX was coming it always does every 3600 years right on schedule sometimes its bad and sometimes not so bad but it always comes. IMO  and that of archeology.

  • And your motorcycle helmet....or in my case, an old metal army helmet...
  • No doubt something will be happening soon, got your tickets.

  • Planet X, Nibiru, Hercubolus, Galactic Central Sun and Galactic Alignment, Cosmic Wave ...... what ever it is - something is affecting our solar system, the frequencies on planet Earth, and hence, human life.

    Is it cyclical? Maybe ... more than likely.

    Do we actually know what it is? No.

    Will we find out?  You bet ....  nothing could be more certain!

    Eyes / ears open, hold on and enjoy the ride!

  • Prayer can (and probably has) mitigate these types of situations to come.

  • See what a good job the distractors are doing?

  • Uh oh I almost forgot about PX. 

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