Is this the truth or not?

There seems to be a big push going on right now to convince everyone that comet elenin will not be a problem.  I got an email from a guy from NASA saying comet is just like any other comet and wont cause a problem.  I just got a note from Mitch Battros saying the same thing.  Both of them used the same map showing the comets trijectory.  The only problem with the map is that it is not dated.   It also does not match the maps that we all here have seen.  Here is the map that was sent.10957992487?profile=original
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  • Nov. 13 the line is light blue Above the plane.

  • 2967645327?profile=originalMay 4, 2011 is this jpl orbit. Dark blue line on Elenins orbit means it is below the plane. The picture on this blog is  Nov 13, 2011.
  • You are right Cheryl.  The flip was the first thing I noticed.  This map is from Mitch.  I will try to find the one from NASA which is the same but not fliped, and post the link here.
  • I think so too.  Why else publish an image that doesn't match the JPL orbital diagram?
  • Oh so now they are messing with their orbit diagrams.  Just more evidence Elenin could be a problem.
  • You're right.  This doesn't look right at all.  Looks like the image has been flipped.  It doesn't match Elenin at Mars' orbit either coming in or going out from the sun (per the JPL orbit diagram).  It also shows Elenin not coming in between Earth and Sun, unless the rotation is going counterclockwise.  Elenin's curve near the sun looks choppy, not smooth.  The lower yellow line is at 8:00, but on the JPL image it is at 4:00. 

    Easy to say, oops, it was accidentally flipped, except that the names of the planets aren't flipped.


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