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  • Jesse Ventura statement LIVE AUDIO FROM COURT HOUSE
  • Bonnie

    I have had the exact reaction from family and friends

    Funny, we had a power outage in the summer and I was taking a nap when it happened and I get up and my husband could only find a little tea light and was sitting in the livingroom looking at the tv, which of course was not on (just shows how brainwashed people are that they stare at the tv even if it is no working) and I ask him what is he doing and he said he could not find any candles

    I said you are so silly, because I have oil lamps in the familyroom ( he knew they were there) and he had light

    He also changed is mind about preparing

    But my point is how many people are going to just like him and not think when disaster does truely strike?

    It seemed to me that his brain shut off


  • Bonnie no one on this site has not been met with your same frustration with family.BLESS you sweet lady.
  • Thanks Byron. I guess you could say I am going to be okay if its meant to be. When I have asked myself what is my purpose, I believe my purpose is 'the messenger'. I'm the one that has always done all the reading and researching and have told my family about the coming earth changes and all that goes with it. Two of my children believe me, but the others think I'm a 'conspiracy nut'. But that's okay. Even my husband doesn't believe me. Though I have to admit, when we lost power in that nor'easter last week for 3 days, he now wants to become more 'prepared'. LOL!  So, yes, I am okay. I am actually grateful to be living in such exciting times and I am anxiously awaiting for the chance to have poor mother earth beable to heal herself after Nibiru passes.  Mankind has not been very gracious to our earth. Peace and love to you all!
  • Bonnie are you going to be OK
  • I love Jesse! He says what's on his mind and he's not afraid to speak out against this corrupt gov't. I wish he and Ron Paul would run together. I know even though I am pretty much bed ridden, I would find a way to vote for them. Yes, unfortunately, when I was watching his shows, you couldn't help but notice his shaking. But the guy has inner strength and will fight for the truth and won't let his illness keep him down.
  • Lorraine, I have notice the head shaking associated with the onset of Parkinson. Keith mentioned the name of Ali. This disease can be caused by being exposed to fumes or vapours from certain chemical. Example Micheal J. Fox. It also can be trigger by repetitive blow to the head. A large number of boxers have this condition. Ali does. I cannot remember which show it was apparent but you definitely see Jesse head make a head movement akin to Parkinson.
  • He was on the Alex show yesterday and said he would run w Ron paul or independently by hil self. I know parkinsons and will watch too.
  • Rosemary

    why do you think he has parkison's?


  • I do worry about Jesse. He has the onset of Parkinson. Just look at his shows. You can see the signs. I hope he gets his wish to run to be elected. I like him a lot.
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