Laarkmaa: Another Path

Laarkmaa is a Pleiadean consciousness.


Today begins the Pleiadian-Earth Light Pulse of Caban, an energy described by the Maya as being like an earthquake. In this energetic period, plans fall apart, and we cope by practicing our flexibility. Boundaries shift and change, and we are called upon to shift with them. The period of Caban is said to be favorable to those who have done their work. Most likely anyone reading this newsletter feels that she or he is doing the work to constantly improve and to help and support others, yet being human, we also may be feeling shock, surprise, and frustration at just how much things are falling apart around us. Perhaps we may closely examine things we have changed in our lives or see things that we cannot change are simply no longer working. We may see where we have made improvements in the ways that we interact with others and with life, but we also have blind spots and places that we seem to be eternally stuck. And most importantly, we still have pain. We hurt. We feel hurt by others or by life.

What we want to address at this time is the role of emotions and how they determine the choices we make. Laarkmaa tells us that emotions are signposts showing us how we are out of balance. They remind us that our natural feeling states are love, joy, trust, and compassion. So if that is what we all want to feel, why do we spend so much time feeling miserable? Why do we experience so much pain?

Pain comes from physical, mental, and emotional states. The universe gives us the opportunity to either respond to what it presents us, or to react to it. Everything that causes us to react in life comes from emotions. We will repeat that. Everything that causes us to react in life comes from emotions. Now we'll say it a different way. When we react to anything or anyone we are reacting because of our emotional state. When we respond to another or to a situation, we meet it without judgment, blame, or expectations of the person or situation being anything other than what it is at that moment. Responses come from our balanced center, where we live in love and non-judgmental acceptance. Reactions come from an emotional wave that sweeps over us from our patterned beliefs about the way we think things should be. We believe the other person should not say or do what they just said or did. We judge them. We blame them. We make ourselves victims of their thoughtlessness, believing we have the right to feel injured or harmed by their choice of how they use their own energy. Or we may feel like we are victims to the unfair circumstances of our lives.

If we just learn to watch, without those historical markers that say, "uh-oh, I'm about to be disrespected or hurt again," then we would be miles further along the evolutionary path. It really doesn't matter if the other person respects us or not. What matters is that we respect ourselves and live our lives consciously. Living consciously with inner dignity can mean that we no longer choose to engage with certain people or certain situations, but it also means that we do not judge them for the choices that they make. It also means that we stop judging the universe when circumstances arise that are simply outside of our range of choice. Trust can seem beyond reach when we experience pain from such circumstances. If we choose to respond with acceptance to what presents itself, rather than emotionally reacting, we lessen the pain. Accepting unacceptable pain and finding a way to trust that some good will come from it is the hardest thing we will ever have to do.

Whether we change our reactions to the universe or to other people into responses, it is very, very hard work. The surprising thing about living this way is how quickly other people suddenly seem to "improve" the way they treat us! When we respect ourselves and stop judging others, there is no room for the drama of emotional reactions to every word or action that comes our way. It simply becomes interesting to see how others are choosing to respond to life and how we, ourselves, choose to respond to life.

We may find amazingly that when we finally begin to take full responsibility for everything we think, feel, and say rather than reacting to what everyone else is saying or doing, those around us suddenly seem to "improve" their own actions. Suddenly we are no longer met with all the old patterns that so annoyed us in the first place. Others seem to become more loving and more accepting, but the truth is, it is we who have become more loving, more accepting, and less controlling of how we think or believe others should behave.

As regards the universe and the choices that seem out of our control, we have no answers, for we are only human and cannot see that far. But we do trust Laarkmaa, who has a wider perspective, and they tell us that the universe is a loving place, and that whatever suffering we endure is supporting our evolutionary journey. Sometimes all we have the choice to trust, and through that trust, may we find a way beyond our pain.


Love and Light,
Pia and Cullen

Be sure to check out Laarkmaa's new website
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  • By raising my vibrations I have changed my wifes so that is a fact I see clearly as being correct.

  • Well written and with not chambers with that.It is just a matter to give ourselves the permission to be reacting as  mentioned above. Another gem to add to our day.

  • Well said Cheryl. 

  • Yes, when we raise our own vibrations we lift the vibrations of those around us.  This is why it's important that we work on raising our own vibrations.

  • We are One , when we decide to not think bad thoughts others around you do the same. So Cool.

  • Absolutely the truth.

  • Sweet and simple I agree.

  • That is why I like Laarkmaa so much.  It is a very pure message.

  • That is the truth.

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