Aluminum (1)

I am sorry to say my dear friends  that we may  have more than just the radioacative fallout to worry about............Will  these demented fiends never get their fill of this deadly game they are playing?  Be careful about what you think you see in the skies folks!


I started this thread on another blog and Cheryl has asked me to give it it's own blog due to the importance of this information.  It was originally posted here:



Fukushima fallout decays into BARIUM and STRONTIUM = Blue beam = 3D IMAGING by military



*********************************************************************************************************************************the The amazing thing and  what  concerns me  most is the fact that the  very  same elements that  have  been  collected to  study the contents of  Chemtrails are the ones the fallout decay demonstrates with one added element.  The Chemtrails contain aluminum as well as .barium and strontium.  I find that very interesting indeed..  Makes me wonder  if  perhaps the  purpose  of the  Chemtrails were to further  the effects of the  Blue Beam  Project.


Strontium Barium Niobate 3D Holographic Images by The  Army  Research  Laboratory



For those not  sure  what  the  Blue Beam Project  is  here  are  some videos  that  will help  you  to  understand  just  what  it's purpose  may  be.


ILLUMINATI The Blue Beam Project Top Secret 1


ILLUMINATI The Blue Beam Project Top Secret 2.


DECEPTION PROJECT pt42 - NASA project blue beam (new world religion lie) & nazi alien technologies.


Project Blue Beam Staged Alien Invasion NWO Part 1/7



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