affects (1)

"Acute deaths from radiation exposure occur when radioactive iodine, plutonium, cesium 134 and strontium 90 enter the intestines by ingestion and kill all the bacteria in the intestines. This makes it impossible to prevent deadly infections and facilitates appearance of malignancies. Seventy percent of the immune system depends on the quality of bacteria residing in the intestines. This type death can be avoided by timely administration of organic Vitamin B Complex (Supreme B) which prevents death of the intestinal flora. The correct dose is one half ounce twice daily. This therapy needs to be continued for 30 days to 42 days. The only effective organic B Complex presently available is Supreme B formulated by This company is capable of increasing its production of Supreme B. When the Supreme B is not readily available it is prudent to daily supply the radiation injured patient with living bacteria from food(sauerkraut, unpasteurized goat yogurt, raw milk, kefir, kombucha) and potent probiotics{Primal Defense, Culturelle etc).

"Supreme B[2] combined with silica as BioSil 6 drops twice daily and Magnesium Chloride 30 drops bid has healed 12 cases of Alzheimer’s Disease. The silica inhibits the absorption of aluminum from the gut and magnesium causes vasodilatation increasing blood flow to the brain.

"Ninety five percent of U.S. citizens lack adequate stores of iodine in their bodies determined by testing more than 5000 patients. Unless a patient is taking iodine therapy when exposed to radiation this lack of iodine in the body needs to be repleted with high dosage of iodine. Individuals deficient in iodine rapidly absorb iodine into the endocrine glands and other tissues. Therefore, there is a need for 100 mg. of iodine every two or three days for two weeks to restore proper iodine levels. The repletion of iodine stores can prevent thyroid cancer but is of no value in preventing the malignancies caused by plutonium, cesium 134, uranium and strontium 90. Production of all hormones by the human body requires iodine"

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