agents (1)

Agents Provocateur

Folks, the rules on unpleasant people, which has been posted in the Welcome Center, is this: DON'T ENGAGE THEM! This means if they make provocative posts, you IGNORE them. They flame, you DO NOT flame back, however tempting it may be. Move on to other blogs until they can be dealt with or simply come back at another time. There is no reason to quit over someone playing nasty. They feed on getting people ticked off and fighting, for some it's their mission to disrupt this ning. So, just avoid their turbulence altogether until we can bring it under control.

REMEMBER: If you own the blog (the blog's creator) and someone posts something you don't like, you have the power to delete unwelcome responses. Exercise your power! You do not have to get permission to moderate your own blogs (and discussions) and you certainly don't have to put up with nasty comments.

I also ask that you take screen shots of the offending posts so I will know what's happening. If you don't know how, it's easy. Get the offending post on your screen. Then hold down your function (FN) key and press PRTSCR (print screen). Then paste the screen shot into a Word document and save it. Then upload it in the "Report An Issue" tab at the top of the main page.

And also know that if I am not actively dealing with it, then I simply am not on-line. Today, I was unfortunately gone most of the day on business.

I want to point out again that when earth changes really start escalating all types of people will land on our door step. We need to work out how to handle disrupters NOW. I give people a day to see how they acclimate but if they come in swinging, they'll be gone sooner.

And for any who still might be wondering, I am in no way associated with the other ning, okay? I don't even have a "spy account" there because I feel that is demeaning and deceptive and don't engage in that kind of behavior.

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