before (2)

SaLuSa 12-March-2012

Time speeds ever onwards as the future of mankind is being fought out in the Middle East. At least that is how it would appear to those who have yet to awaken, and remain uninformed. Regretfully the media is still stifled by the old approach that prevents free speech, and investigative journalism that is allowed to bring out the truth. Much is happening that should be told, so that you have a grasp of what is behind events that are threatening world peace. Better still would be truthful reporting so that your minds were put at rest, knowing that although attempts have been made to start another World War, they have failed and will continue to do so.

We do not wish you to suddenly feel fearful of the future having assured you that everything is going well. However, we will again inform you that our technology is such that we have total control over what happens in the Middle East, and all confrontations will soon be brought to a halt. Authorities have been informed that we will not allow nuclear weapons to be used, and that we are opposed to any form of aggression. It is therefore quite pointless to continue war games, and take part in all of the posturing that inflames the situation. Our patience is running out and if matters do not improve, we shall use our authority to bring a halt to all attempts to engage in warlike moves.

We of the Galactic Federation are here to see that you and Mother Earth safely arrive at your destination that is the completion of this cycle of duality. The sooner the dark Ones and their cohorts are removed, and their influence taken away from them, the sooner we can all concentrate on the business of getting you on track for Ascension. Nevertheless, we still keep in balance the various energies that are playing upon the Earth that are increasing exponentially, and are helping raise your levels of consciousness.

You still have quite a way to go before you acquire anything near full consciousness, but that will come to you sooner than you might expect. You are being prepared to become Galactic Beings and take your place amongst us, as is your divine right.

We find understandably that those who are awakened to what is happening to the Human Race, are still concerned about the ones who still slumber. We wish to assure you that before the end of this year, every soul will know about Ascension and have the opportunity to choose whether or not they prepare for it. Time is getting short, but some will still make it in time having come into this life to make it their goal. That Dear Ones is the deciding factor, as many are here for the experience which will further their evolution, but not ready to make a quantum leap in consciousness. The answer is not to worry about decisions made by other souls, as they will have chosen what is best for them and satisfies their desires. Be assured all will be looked after, and that God does not make distinctions from one soul to another, and all are equally loved.

Various programs that will carry you forward are ready to be implemented, and the preparations are completed. Much hinges around the governmental changes as clearly we must have people who can be trusted, and can lead you with full understanding of what is required of them. Faith in your appointed representatives has been broken so many times by those who have not stood by their promises, and let you down. In the future your leaders will be chosen because of their wisdom and spiritual experience, and will be trustworthy and honest. Too often you have been hoodwinked by promises that were never intended to be kept, by those who preferred service to self rather than to others.

As you evolve and continue to rise up into even higher dimensions, you will find that no soul can deceive or lie to another without their intent being known. Indeed, you will know by observing their auric emanations, which give much information about that soul. Even now you have people who can see and read auras, and they do convey quite a lot about you. For example your condition of health can be seen, and in fact even the onset of illness before you are actually aware of it. You are truly quite complex Beings and are in the dark over many aspects of yourself, such as your astral body that you use when out of the body. Many souls use it to visit their departed friends and family, but few bring back a waking memory of them. Remember that you are living infinite life times and as a soul will always exist in one form or another, and eventually become a pure Light Being.

The purpose of life is to evolve through experience, and you are the one who chooses how you achieve it. The Earth is a tough experience yet you knew it would be so, and here you are after hundreds of lives in different civilizations that have expanded your consciousness levels. Nothing of your experiences is ever lost, and you do not necessarily need to recall the exact circumstances. Sometimes they are best forgotten and extreme experiences that were unpleasant can be erased from your memory. You have a wealth of experience that will serve you and others very well, in whatever you choose to do as your next adventure. Some of you will join us as Galactic Beings and quite rightly as our equals.

Our mission has altered greatly from when we started and now your pathway is clearer to us, & needs a greater involvement in your affairs. It was hoped that as the end times approached the dark Ones would see that their position was untenable, and allow you to complete your journey without interference. That has not proved to be the case, and they have broken promises to cease their actions. It left us with no option but to get permission to remove them, and as many of you are finding out that has gone ahead. To prevent them from continuing with their interference, we have had to destroy their facilities which are mainly underground.

Meanwhile we focus on the Middle East that for a long time has had the potential to break out into a world war. We expect that when the different countries see the futility of ignoring our demands to stop, that they will cease their activities and allow peace to descend upon Earth. It must be so because it is divinely decreed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and delighted that we are so near to solving one of your major world problems that stands in the way of permanent peace.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

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'Twas The Night Before The Morning After

'Twas the Night Before the Morning After

By Dave Barry, The Miami Herald, December 1, 1996
(Edited by GCFL)

'Twas the night before Christmas

Or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever religious holiday your particular family unit celebrates at this time of year via mass retail purchases

And all through the house

Not a creature was stirring

Except Dad, who was stirring his third martini

In a losing effort to remain in a holiday mood

As he attempted to assemble a toy for his 9-year-old son, Bobby

It was a highly complex toy

A toy that Dad did not even begin to grasp the purpose of

A toy that cost more than Dad's first car

A toy that was advertised relentlessly on TV with a little statement in the corner of the TV screen that said "SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED"

Which was like saying that the Titanic sustained "some water damage"

Because this toy had more parts than the Space Shuttle

And speaking of space

Dad was now convinced that extraterrestrial life did indeed exist

Because the assembly instructions were clearly written by beings from another galaxy

And these beings insisted on Phillips screwdrivers

And Dad could not find his Phillips screwdriver

In fact, he was wondering who "Phillips" was

And why he needed a different kind of screwdriver than everybody else

That was the festive holiday thought that Dad was thinking as he took a slug from his martini and attempted to attach Part 3047-b to Part 3047-c

Using a steak knife

But other than that, not a creature was stirring in the house

Although Mom was definitely stirring OUT of the house

Mom was at the Toys "R" Us store

In fact, this was the fifth Toys "R" Us store that Mom had been to that night

In her desperate quest to find the one thing that their 5-year-old daughter, Suzy, wanted this holiday season

It was, of course, a Barbie doll

But not just ANY Barbie doll

It had to be the new model

Abdominals Barbie

The one who came with her own little pink stomach-muscle-exercise device

It was the hottest Barbie doll of all this holiday season

Every girl age 3 through 12 in the entire United States HAD to have it

Or her holiday season would be RUINED

And so of course the Mattel Corporation

Which is run by evil trolls from Hades

Had manufactured exactly eight units of this doll

And the very last one in the world was in this particular Toys "R" Us

Which means that the odds were against Mom

Because on this same festive night

Thousands of other frantic parents had converged on this same store

Kind of like the flesh-eating zombies in the movie Night of the Living Dead

Only less ethical

The store was a war zone

Mom had to fight her way into the doll aisle

Where, wielding a Tonka Truck like a club

She claimed her prize

And then, trailed by a screaming mob of rival parents

She raced from the store, leaped into her car, and roared out of the parking lot

Barely missing the Salvation Army person

She raced back to the house, burst through the front door, and staggered into the family room

Where she found Dad

Actually she found Dad's feet

The rest of Dad was under the sofa

A strange gurgling sound was coming from down there

Dad, now on his fifth martini

Was trying to strangle the dog

Which, Dad was convinced, had eaten Part 8675-y

And just at that very moment

Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter

That Dad let go of the dog

And he and Mom went to the window to see what was the matter

And what to their wondering eyes should appear

But Santa Claus, yelling the names of reindeer

"Now Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Vixen! Now ... Umm ... Now... Dancer!"

"He already said Dancer," observed Dad

"He can't remember them all," said Mom

"I think one of them is Pluto," said Dad

"Wasn't Pluto the guy who was always fighting with Popeye?" said Mom

"You're thinking of Bluto," said Dad

"Now ... Umm ... Now Flicka!" said Santa

"Flicka was a horse, that I DO know," said Mom

"Do you think the reindeer are wrecking the lawn?" said Dad

"They're going up on the roof," said Mom

"Like heck they are," said Dad, who had recently spent $875 on shingle repair

But before he could yell at St. Nicholas to stop

Down the chimney the jolly elf came with a plop

He had a broad face and a round little belly

That shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly

Which was pretty gross

"What's so funny?" asked Dad

"You two," said St. Nick. "Why are you getting all upset about toys? The holiday season isn't about material possessions!"

"Do you have kids?" asked Mom

"Well, no," said Santa

"Hah," said Mom

"But I am beloved by children the world over," said Santa

"Well," said Dad, "you won't be beloved by our son if I can't assemble this toy"

"What seems to be the problem?" said Santa, coming over to have a look

"I'm stuck on Step 824," said Dad

"Who wrote these instructions?" asked Santa. "Martians?"

"Apparently," said Dad

"I used to be pretty good with tools," said Santa. "Hand me that steak knife"

"Sure," said Dad. "Care for a martini?"

"Heck yes," said Santa

And so he went to work

And after a while Mom and Dad, exhausted, went to bed

Leaving old St. Nick in the family room

He said some pretty unsaintly words

But he eventually got Bobby's toy assembled

And although he spent so much time that he was unable to visit the rest of the little boys and girls in North America

Not to mention South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa

This particular household had a very happy Christmas morning indeed

When Suzy came downstairs and saw Abdominals Barbie

And Bobby came downstairs and saw his incredibly complex toy

Which he broke in under four minutes

A new holiday record

But it was still a festive day

Especially when Mom and Dad told the fantastic story of their late-night visitor

Which, at first, the kids did not believe

In fact, even Mom and Dad were not 100 percent sure it had happened

Until Dad got out the ladder

And one by one they climbed up to the roof

And there they saw it ...

As real as life ...

A Holiday Miracle ...

Reindeer poop.

(And $1,097.36 worth of shingle damage.)

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