It is just a matter of short time before you get firm evidence of what has already commenced, and will learn of the removal of those who have brought about misery and debt in such massive proportions. It has occurred through criminal actions and no country has avoided the repercussions. The affects roll on but a key decision already made to remove all debt, will sweep the problem away and financial matters will return to a steady and stable condition. It is a massive problem but various funds and the re-distribution of wealth, will change the circumstances around. In many instances money falsely obtained will be returned, so that justice and your rights are observed. It will nicely set everything up, so that you begin to experience a society that is run with due respect to your sovereign rights. It will also result in people being happier, and help raise the vibrations and expectancy as you near Ascension.
Meanwhile you should where possible prepare for some inevitable upheaval, and take it in your stride as it will all be short lived. The plans to quickly implement the changes are well in hand, and many countries are involved and supporting our allies. It will bring them more together in co-operation and importantly trust, which has been sadly lacking because of the dark One's activities over millennia of time. The people normally have no such problems, but their minds have been poisoned by propaganda and contrived situations to set them against each other. The sooner we, along with the Masters, can get the message over that you are All One, the more quickly those barriers because of race or religion will evaporate. Duality has purposely placed you in challenging situations to hasten your spiritual evolution, and the experiences you have gone through have led you towards the realization that you are the one Human Race and bonded together.
Eventually you will reach levels of consciousness so that you literally know everything that you desire, by tapping into the Universal pool of knowledge. You will be so powerful that you will be able to create by pure thought and as you grow even more, can reach levels that are akin to being one of the Gods. However, that possibility is a long way into the future, but you should be aware of the amazing potential that you have. As a collective consciousness on Earth you created your reality, but with the dominance of the dark Ones it was never allowed to fully develop. Given total freedom as was your entitlement and without interference, you would certainly have progressed a lot further than you have. As individuals some of you have become quite adept and successful at the different healing methods, and yet each soul has the potential for doing the same. Often it is lack of belief or patience to give sufficient time to develop your skills. It is a most natural function, and indeed in the future you will understand that energy is the alpha and omega of everything that exists, manifesting in its different frequencies.
Little by little you are being opened up to your true potentials, so that you can accommodate the changes that will lead you to full consciousness. With your new crystalline bodies you will be able to enter the higher dimensions, opening up entirely new experiences of Galactic proportions. On Earth souls of a similar vibration are usually attracted to each other and feel good and at ease in each others company, and when you rise up it is even more powerful as groups form and work together as one at a consciousness level. You will not have failed to notice that very often the source of channeled messages, is a group of souls forming a single energy.
Because you do not normally have any memory of previous lives you are unable to make comparisons, which ensures you focus on the current one and are not distracted. It is also why in general terms few of you remember your times out of the body, particularly those when your physical body is laid down to rest. That is a time when you often gravitate to the Astral Realms and meet up with friends and relations. You may come back with vague memories or feel that you have had vivid dreams, and sometimes wake up with a solution on your mind that solves a problem you went to sleep with. It all happens because you can meet the right people who can help. Sometimes they are people you have disputes with, and in the gentle vibrations of the higher Astral the lower ones are subdued and a solution can be amicably found. It is also the reason that when you have lost a loved one, you can have a positive knowing that they are still around you.
The more you learn about the life potential beyond Earth the more you understand how limited you are now, and that every effort you make to ascend is well worthwhile. After what you have learnt about the higher dimensions it must seem a very wonderful goal to aim for, and get off the wheel of rebirth. The solar cycle now ends with a once in hundreds of lifetimes opportunity to leave it behind in a mass ascension, with all of the help you need to assist you to make it. Be assured if you have been constantly sending out a signal that it is what you want, you will have been getting special attention to help you to be successful. God does not want you to be shackled by the lower energies indefinitely, yet it is largely up to you to make your own decision as to when you want to make a move.
Becoming aware that you are more than your physical body is a moment of awakening, and normally leads to introspection in an endeavor to find out what or who you really are. Once you find out that life is infinite each one takes on more significance, as you realize that you do not just have the one opportunity to make your mark. It will then hopefully occur to you that the purpose of life is to evolve, and seek the source of all life. That venture can take you all over the place, until, after searching for God outside of yourself, you find God within. Instead of needing to be led, you suddenly realize that all knowledge is within. However, it can help for someone to point the way, and moving in circles with like minded souls is most productive.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy these opportunities to "speak" with you through the messages. Take from them whatever resonates with you, and that is all I can ask of you. The Galactic Federation sends its love to you all, and wishes those of you who celebrate Easter a happy and fulfilling time.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
dreams (3)
This is about the last dream I can remember having at nighttime in 4 anda half years now. I no longer dream nor remember my sleep time in thenight hours. Where before this dream I could be aware while I slept.I’ve tried everything to remember what goes on at nighttime with me butto no prevail. I do know that I now dream/ have visions all the timewhile I’m awake now. So here it goes the dream… (Written from my exactnotes directly upon waking.)
I begin by walking a graveled path to another gravel road. I passed mymailbox, pointless but it reminded me of the past. There were lusciousgreen plants everywhere. I am confused if I really went to sleep? Iwondered. The smell of the air was mystifying, it was clean. So clean itburned my nose. I could feel it permeate my lungs and a refreshingsense came over me. Was I dreaming is what I thought as I walked downthe road? Everything is so vivid and alive, too real to be a dream. Ican see the detail that a dream rarely has. The gravel on the ground, Ipicked some up I felt it run through my fingers, I felt every littlerock. I was utterly amazed that that I knew I could be dreaming I’mfeeling everything , really feeling it as if it was right next to me inreal life. As I walked further across the field I could see theoccasional hill. I was just enjoying the view for it was beautiful. Butthen I let reality set in and I remember going to sleep. I could feelthe sweat dripping off my skin. I am coolly dressed in light clothes.White t-shirt, green pants with lots of pockets and black boots, and abaseball cap worn backwards. My clothes are a little worn. But I couldfeel the sun getting stronger, beating upon my skin. Then I ponderedfurther upon what is really happening to me. I begin to panic, I canfeel my heartbeat, my nerves are shaken…I’m scared, where am I? Where iseveryone else I know? I know I live here but I feel like it was notwhere I remembered with Alex. I know this is my body but I am not where Ishould be I am somewhere else. I then felt an overwhelming explosion ofthoughts and emotions filled me chaotically, but it was understood allin order. #1 the world had a catastrophic moment #2 I was better then Iever was (physically, emotionally, and intellectually) #3 everything wasjust fine-in fact better than before#4 an overwhelming sense of allthis knowledge yet I couldn’t access it.
These feelings dominated my panic and fear of not knowing where I was asmy journey continued. I had a sense that this route I am on I havetaken everyday since I came here. I know the destination that I want togo (my job) this was routine. I felt certain that I knew where I wasgoing. I was realizing that I was remembering memories that I have notlived yet. So remembering things scared the shit out of me because I wasstill trying to come to terms with this dream. I tried waking up but Icouldn’t , I began to think this is not a dream and I should go with itto see where it leads me, I mean I do not even know if I can leave here.Upon my travels down this road I encountered a small creek at which Ijumped over. Upon crossing I can see people at a distance, wondering notaimlessly but productively is what I felt from seeing them. A sense ofcalm came over me because for awhile I was thinking I was the only oneeven though inside I knew others were alive. All races , genders andages varied… but a sense of humanity is strongly felt. People areclothed in modern clothes. Some are walking, some playing, there are afew searching but all seem to be laid back, relax not hurried. I smiledat a few and got a smile back, it felt good. I continued down the roadwhere people are everywhere and hills are present in the distantness’.It is picture perfect. I know I passed over two hills. Passing over thefirst hill I notice a second sun/planet in the sky. I knew it was planetyet it seemed to glow and it was much closer than the sun. it had fivesmaller moons orbiting it. This scene didn’t frighten me but a sense ofurgency passed within me to reach my destination. When I reached thesecond hill I noticed that there was a bunch of crumbled building in thedistance. The sun and sun/planet were higher in the sky when I reachedmy destination. I noticed the detail I see on the buildings, I’m stilltrying to see if this is a dream. But everything is telling me this isreal. I see the plants taking back the building and even the bricks invivid detail, cracks and all. There are kids playing, laughing on thebroken up street. They were jumping off broken parts of buildings, Iyelled to be careful. I cared for them. I knew what building to enter…3rd on the right. There was a gated fence on the windows with woodbehind. Inside was a skateboard shop. Money was useless now I rememberedupon entering. We make trades of useful metals and such. All thebuildings were in bad shape but useable. There were skateboards on thewall and a small room with a table off to the left. The store had fivepeople all in their twenties. Three worked there and two were hangingout. Although I recognized the 3 who worked there I didn’t remembertheir names. But they knew mine and joked with me and spoke to me as ifthey knew me for a long time. For a portion of the day everyone findsshelter from the scorching suns. People did not return outside until theoriginal sun was setting. While we were waiting we were allbullshitting talking pointless crap about skateboards. As the time wasmoving on I began to stand in the middle of the room and panic set in. Ihave been here for hours, I had felt the time actually pass was thisreally a dream? Will I ever go home? In my mind for most of the day Iwas beginning to believe this was my new home. I knew I was not in mytime, but I was really there. I realized then that my former self wastrapped in my future self. I was glimpsing the future. If this wasreally a dream, I could get out I have done it before. I tried to willmy self awake, I even pinched myself but only felt the pinch as if I wasawake. I failed and true panic was coming over me. The owner put hisarm around me just then. I sensed he saw the panic in my eyes. I toldhim in a state of panic that I felt misplaced in time that Irecollection of where I was, how I got here or what occurred. He wasreassuring with his words as he comforted me that I was okay. But itappeared that my plea fell upon deaf ears and he did not go intodetails. He then jokingly reassured me that I was fine and that I knewwhat happened and I did belong there. I did not want to seem crazy so Ipushed my panic aside. I mentally put my self together and made my wayto the room and said my goodbyes and left for home. I started thejourney back home. The journey back home seemed much faster, an hour orso instead of the couple hours I felt pass earlier (by watching the sunearlier). I watch the suns set and the stars rise. I leave the dreamwhere I started by the mailbox. I never see my home nor who is inside ifanyone at all. When I awake from this dream I feel like I have beenwalking for miles, I was tired and exhausted, even though I have beensleeping for a little more than eight hours. My muscles ached for daysafter.if that was really dream, how do remember that much detail? Andwhy? Why did I ache? I have tried to return to this dream/experience butI can not. But I can remember this dream even without my notes. BecauseI do not feel it was a dream but an experience. Yet still I can notseem to have anymore dreams at nighttime. I have been trying to find away to dream that dream again to go in detail but to no prevail. It willnot reoccur, not even in meditation. It would be interesting to findout what others think of this dream.
All are welcome to share their dreams or prophetic visions. We all seem to be 'human radars' that pick up these frequencies in either dream state or visions while awake. Please share them with us all, if you will. It can be anything related to Planet X, dreams you had in the past that came true regarding earth changes, or anything you would like to predict for now and the future. It could also be about your experiences of telepathy with ETs or any topic that deals with the psychic realm.