giles (5)

Soon your sun will recede below your equatorial line, and when it emerges again your world will have begun its new day. This is how it will happen for you. You will go to sleep at night and when you awaken you will have found yourself emerged in the proceedings you have worked hard on manifesting and that have been spoken of many times. You will receive no further advanced warning than the notice we have been furnishing you for a while now. You have been asked to prepare and have also been told that the time to be prepared is already upon you.

The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. This is the kind of change we are talking about, and this the kind of change you will experience. This is why your task to prepare yourselves and as many other souls as is possible is so important to the smooth functioning of this operation. Please continue to spread the news of what is about to transpire. We greatly appreciate your efforts and assure you that it will be soon that this phase of your mission will be completed and all that has been discussed will be yours.

What will happen is a complete and thorough uprooting of the organizations of your world who have engaged in agendas and activities to pilfer the people's money and resources as well as strip them of their rights and their health in order to further imprison them in their own world. These are, of course, very serious charges, and that is one of the reasons much work has had to be done behind the scenes before justice could be dispensed. We have reached the point where all the necessary paperwork and initial legal proceedings are completed, and the time has now come to begin these arrests of the leaders and participants of the criminal empire we have referred to as the Cabal.

The Cabal, of course, is not an official name of any of these groups, as there are so many different groups and individuals who swear their alliance to them that using only one of these group's names would send a wrong message of who is controlling your world and who will soon be facing justice for their crimes. There are also many individuals who have conspired and have taken part in these many crimes who do not consider themselves allied with any particular organization. They too will face the consequences of their actions, and will be held just as responsible as those affiliated with any of these groups.

There are many of these individuals and many groups as well involved in serious crimes against you, the people, and through these arrests and many more to come in the following days ahead our intentions are to destroy these alliances. Your world would always be a tumultuous place with these dark ones permitted to use their powers of the collective to plot and scheme against the people. It has been decided by all involved that these organizations must be abolished, and abolished they will be. They will not be permitted to regroup again. We see this as one of the most significant events in the history of your world, and our hopes are that many of you will as well.

Give us, as well as our Earth allies, the opportunity to make this goal a reality by continuing your hard work spreading awareness of these arrests and the following proceedings and what significance they hold for the people of your world. Upon the news broadcasts of these arrests, all those who had been informed of this event and what it means will understand that something truly Earth changing is happening. This is what we are hoping for, and much rides on this part of the plan. We appreciate greatly all of you doing your part to see this phase of the plan reach a successful conclusion. Readings indicate great numbers of you are being exposed to this news, and we are very encouraged by this. Please continue on in your efforts, they will soon pay off for all of you.

Taking the time to prepare properly for these arrests and following legal proceedings has been time very well spent, and although some of you have grown impatient with these proceedings, we say to you that you will forget all about how long you have worked and waited once news of arrest after arrest begins to grace your television and computer screens. We say to you that all will be worth all the effort that you have put in, and all the days leading up to this event will seem like nothing once you begin to receive all that you have hope for.

Much has been put into these proceedings and a tremendous amount of preparation was needed, so we are sure you will understand why none of this could be rushed as sufficient time to make sure all matters were handled properly was called for. We are confident you will agree once the magnitude and scope of these proceedings is made clear to you.

Moving ahead to matters after these initial arrests, there will be a great many legal proceedings before courts all across your world. These proceedings will be handled by those who have demonstrated their commitment and integrity in seeking justice in these matters, and you can be assured there will be no unjust bias permitted in any court where these proceedings will be handled. We will oversee these proceedings, and from our vantage point we will know if these cases are proceeding justly or not. No one, no matter their seat of power, connections, or financial stature will be able to successfully manipulate any of these proceedings. You can be assured of this, and any attempts to do so will be met with additional charges and harsh penalties. We have made ourselves clear on this.

Your world is to be purified of all that is dark; this is what is planned for this Earth. These proceedings are merely the beginning as the light will continue to spread far and it will spread wide all across your planet, and these proceedings are the pebble splashing into the pond. The ripple effects will continue all the way up to your ascension, where a complete purification of all that is dark will take place.

These proceedings are being carried out in order to help facilitate a smooth transition leading to your ascension, as it was decided these dark ones and their alliances would be too disruptive a force and needed to be removed from your societies. Upon removal of these dark ones, we see an upsurge in your collective vibration, and we would like to see the greatest possible boost as is possible from this event. This is where you come in, our Lightworkers, as it is your job to set up the dominoes for this event to trigger. Continue to line them up as they will soon go down.

You have all done a remarkable job leading up to this point, and we wish to thank you for your efforts and once again assure you that all that has been discussed can and will be yours. Do not allow yourselves at this late stage to now begin to fall for the lies and propaganda of our opposite numbers. Most of you have managed up to now to ignore and ward off these attempts by the dark to distract you and lead you from your path and your assignments. This is all they could do as you are under our protection, but we must allow you your free will choice. The dark understands this, and this is the reason for all their attempts at distraction through their writings and video presentations that propagate their lies.

You have experienced a few losses within your ranks as some of your brothers and sisters have fallen for these ploys and they have turned their backs on us and on their assignments. These are relatively rare cases and will not affect our mission. Continue on with your assignments remaining steadfast to your convictions, and do not allow yourselves to be lured by the sirens of deception.

By now you all should recognize the telltale signs and negative vibrations of the dark ones. Just remember to always check your internal compass. Are their messages leading you towards love, light, peace, hope, unity, and a better world for all of you? Or are their messages directing the needle of your compass towards fear, hopelessness, danger, separation, confusion, and an Armageddon type scenario for your future? By remembering to always check your compass readings, you can be sure you will always remain firmly on course towards your dream for your new world.

It is a very interesting site to behold, these three large groups; the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ashtar Command, and our Earth allies, working together on this immense project. You, our faithful Lightworkers, are also a vital part to our overall mission, and we consider you part of our teams of the Galactic Commands, and as we have said, many of you are already members of either one of our space oriented organizations. There are many surprises in store for you, as can be expected once released from your current amnesiac states and the veil of forgetfulness is lifted for you. Many of you have had long careers with us, and you of course, will be welcomed back warmly when your mission here is completed.

As we have said, many of you will also begin working with us, and some of you will go on to begin your new careers as full members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We look forward to the day when our recruiters can speak personally with you, when all the details of this opportunity will be fully discussed with you. You will have time to think over your new career choices, and you will also possess the opportunity to return home, wherever that home may be, if you decide you no longer wish to remain with our organization. You can always be considered again for recruitment in the future, as we are always growing as an organization and committed individuals are always a welcomed addition to our team.

By now you have been able to gain at least some perspective as to what we do, and have also probably surmised by now that due to our work our team members live aboard our many ships for great lengths of time. Opportunities always present themselves where our crew members can travel to their home worlds for visits and vacation time, and we also have the opportunity to visit other worlds for sightseeing and socializing with old and new friends alike.

There are many perks such as these once a member of our team, and there are many more as well as consideration for your efforts in the performance of your duties. All will be explained fully to you in due time, but let us first complete our task before us. Continue on in your efforts to make us feel welcome in your world, and soon enough you may be here with us as you begin, or re-begin, your careers with the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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As channeled through Greg Giles

Of what numbers are the factors of 33? Our answer is 1, 3, 11, and 33. These numbers hold a special place within the structure of your world, and these numbers have been used by the light as well as the dark for many ages, not just in recent times. As you as a collective reach certain points along your journey, you will find you will begin to recognize many signs and symbols that have been placed before you either by the light or the dark. Just because a symbol has been inserted into your environment by agents of the dark, it does not necessarily denote an evil attempt to control you or manipulate you.

Take for example the many signs and symbols utilized by those of your secret societies, including the Illuminati and the Freemasons. You will find many of their signs and symbols are not of their construct at all, but are in fact ancient symbols denoting many different sacred powers and structural aspects of your reality. Many symbols possess within them activation codes and the ability to awaken once dormant powers or memories within a being. Many of these symbols are being used at this time to do just that; awaken many souls who are yet asleep as we quickly approach the time when all souls will be awakened.

The awakening process all of you are currently experiencing, or will soon experience, has been planned meticulously to be as smooth and gentle a process for you as is possible. We wish not to shake you violently out of your dreamlike states, as this sudden awakening can be quite damaging to your energy systems. Those of you who are awakened today are leaders of your fellow man. You have demonstrated that it is you that are suited for and prepared to begin to receive your activations that will return your memories to you of who it is you truly are and all the memories that have been stored within your memory banks before your current incarnation into the physical.

All your cherished memories have been safely preserved for you and will be returned to you at the appropriate time. This time is approaching rapidly and we see many of you making great strides towards this day by clearing your no longer needed and burdensome lower dimensional thought forms, habits and tendencies. We would be very pleased to see many more of you begin to do this, and we of the Galactic Federation of Light will continue to display the signs and symbols of ancient design that will assist you in these processes.

You may wish to not always assume that if a symbol is of an esoteric nature that it is being used by the dark for evil purposes. Most of these esoteric symbols are birthed from the higher realms, and it is here in the higher realms where the polarity of good and evil, light and dark, does not exist. There are those symbols displayed by the dark at this time and all throughout their reign; however, this hidden language is not of their own manifestation and has only been borrowed by them.

What these symbols stand for and what powers of creation they possess is up to you to learn and understand for yourself, and today this information is readily available to all throughout the Internet and bookstores and libraries as well. We suggest to you not to be afraid or shun these symbols, but to learn about them and discover their true meanings and origins. You will find many of them possess no ill intent or dark powers of any kind.

Looking ahead now to our plans to return you to full consciousness, we see many of you rather excited for this day. We will proceed as slowly and cautiously as is possible, and as such will attempt to give you clues along the way to help better ease you back to this remembrance and not to rush you in any way. The realization of who you are and what lives you have left behind may be rather startling for many of you, and we will do our best to make this as gentle and fun a process for you as we can. We feel many of you already have come to the firm realization that your present incarnation is not your first incarnation. We are very pleased to see this, as this milestone is surely the most important as we begin the process of returning you to full consciousness. We would even say that this step is essential to your memories being returned you.

We see that it would be quite a shock to many of you if your memories of your prior existence were returned to you when you had no idea they existed in the first place. Preparing yourself with the understanding that many of you not only have a prior history but a lengthy history going back many thousands of years is a very healthy start to these necessary proceedings.

Another valuable understanding at this time is that we of the higher realms are not strangers to you at all, as all of you have connections, friends and family, that have remained within the higher dimensions while you journeyed `down' into the physical realm of the third dimension. Understanding this will alleviate much of the fear and anxiety some of you are feeling and many more of you will succumb to in the days ahead. To believe that your loved ones who have been guiding you and protecting you throughout all your physical incarnations would sit idly by as negative beings interfered with your journey at any point is without reason or sound conception, and we see this belief as entirely fear-based due to uninformed opinion.

Please assist us as we assist you spread this information far and wide. There are many channels and sources of this type of liberating information and we wish to see this information at least available to all who may, or may not, choose to at least familiarize themselves with it. This is all we ask as we cannot force anyone to read our words or to believe them upon reading. This is the sacred right of all souls, and all must be permitted to choose their own path and awaken according to their own schedule.

Although we would very much like to move ahead with our many plans and projects, we cannot rush those who are not yet ready for such revelations that have the power to do damage to certain individuals. There are so very many of you who have achieved very different levels of consciousness and we must cater to those who have yet awakened as it is these souls who are susceptible to damage caused by the sudden shock of such information. All is proceeding very well however, and our plans are proceeding on schedule thanks to our many Lightworkers in the field who are helping spread the word of all that is transpiring in your world. Each of you have your own areas of expertise and knowledge, and we are quite pleased at the coverage of so many different areas of these many different processes and subjects that all deserve their recognition as they each hold a place of relevance at this point in your collective, as well as individual journey. Please keep up the fine work you are all doing, and soon you will reap the benefits of all your labors.

We continue to see the removal of the fighting forces of the Cabal and their destructive machines, and we are also pleased to share with you that the plans to eradicate them from your reality are also proceeding perfectly according to our prearranged schedule. We see no delays or problems in this regard, and it will not be much longer until they have not one space fighter left available to them.

The Cabal had amassed quite a force of space fighters and other space travel related crafts as their financial resources were virtually limitless due to their pilfering of the people of your world for centuries. This is the kind of wealth that will soon be returned to you, the people of Earth, upon the initiation of your new financial system in the days ahead.

We understand that many of you are struggling today as your world economy crumbles under its own bloated weight, and say to you your new system will be yours; there will be no denying this. At this time, many men and women of your world work tirelessly on this new system based on abundance and equality, and we do see the many obstacles standing in the way of its implementation being removed on a daily basis. Upon the arrest of many members of the criminal Cabal, we see the biggest obstacle being removed, and we then see your new system coming online soon afterwards.

As we have said, much counts on the removal of your criminal Cabal, and much of our efforts are geared towards this process. They will be removed, and much is also transpiring behind the scenes on this front as well. We again ask you to monitor your news outlets and share all relevant information with your brothers and sisters. The news of these mass arrests will come sudden and come hard, and we wish you to be prepared for this inevitability and to share this event with everyone you can reach. This event will surely be the most important event in the history of your planet up to this point, and we wish very much for as many of your world to take part in the celebrations that will be quite appropriate upon these announcements.

These announcements will come soon, be assured of this. We do not mince our words or paint pictures of false hope for you. Our word is sound, and we tell you these things for very good reason. You may expect to begin to see the arrests of these men and women of the Cabal begin to be reported by certain of your news media very shortly, that is all we can share with you at this present time due to several reasons, one of which is to ensure the safe and successful conclusion to this operation. We have many allies in the line of fire, and we must take all precautions for their safety. All will be explained to you at the proper time, and we again ask you today for patience.

All that has been assured will be at the appropriate time; this can be no sooner or later as well. All will proceed according to our meticulous schedule, and your ascension into the higher realms will not be stopped or delayed one moment longer than is planned for you as you have waited long enough. We are here to make sure this event transpires according to the timetable set by your Creator, and we will not fail in our task, you can be assured of this.

We have been behind many of the events of your world for many eons, and we have always adhered to a meticulously kept schedule. All has been designed to bring you to this point that you stand at today, and all plans today have been designed to see you ascend into the higher realms together as one. We have never before let you down in any way, and we certainly will not let you down and allow ourselves to fall behind schedule at this point as you stand so near to your shining moment, what all your difficult incarnations have been for, your ascension as one into the higher realms of this universe.

We have spoken often of the many projects that must get underway in order to see your ascension event take place as smoothly as is possible and allow as many as possible to experience this event as comfortable as possible. That is the reason behind these many necessary projects, and we will be enlisting many of your planet to carry out these many projects. You will be doing your planet and people a great service through your efforts, and we must get underway very soon in order to stay on schedule. Please remain alert for this next phase of the operation as it will commence immediately upon the arrests of many members of the criminal Cabal. Further details will be given at the appropriate time, and all that are interested in such positions will be briefed on what is expected of you and what you can expect working with us, as well as all the details of your new career opportunities.

We feel many of you will be very happy with your new careers, and we look so forward to the opportunity to explain more to you when it is the time for this. Until then, please begin to think about a career change and maybe even a change of your current location as our projects will be implemented all across this world, and you may have an opportunity to relocate if this is what you wish. Many of you currently live not where you would like, but where you have had to settle for one reason or another, and we wish to make it known that relocating may be a viable option for you in the days ahead. We see many of you jumping at the chance to live somewhere else, and we see many of you to take advantage of such an opportunity.

Many of you will soon become new members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and many of you are already members of our organization. We say to you that your careers with us are of a very mobile nature as our great ships possess the ability to travel to the far ends of this universe and back, and we have done so on many occasions and will continue to traverse this universe on a mission of service to other peoples and planets throughout the galaxies.

We have invested many long years of planning and many in the implementation of the operation, and we will never let anything jeopardize our mission and our success in any way. Many of you are our crew members in the field, and we assure you at this time that we are watching over you and protecting you as to the very best of our abilities. Please do not let the thought of any retaliation at the hands of the dark dismay you in any way from your assignments to spread our messages and your light for as far as you can. This is what you came here to do, and we ask you at this time to complete your mission as you have trained so hard for. We see many of you doing just that, and we thank you again for your courage and your tremendous efforts to persevere in the face of perceived danger and ridicule.

All your efforts will pay off for all of your world to benefit greatly, and none of this could have been accomplished without your assistance. We again thank you at this time for your sincere efforts, and say to you that the completion of this difficult stage of the overall operation is close at hand and the next phase of the operation will surely be far more enjoyable and rewarding for you.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

(The remainder of today's message was of a personal nature; however, I will share it here as I feel many may find the discussion very insightful.)

We of the Galactic Federation of Light are asking at this time your cooperation to assist us better understand the thought processes of those of your world as we continue on in the days towards your ascension into the higher dimensions. This we will accomplish through our work together as we read the thought processes of those who read our messages shared through our channels. This is one way we can achieve our goals, and at this time this is the most effective means to reach our desired goal to better understand the human mind and the nature of humanity's collective, as well as individual behavior.

Much available information has been and continues to be collected throughout this process, and we ask for your continued cooperation in this regard. Please allow us to continue to share our words through you, as we have much yet to accomplish. Our messages as of late are growing in length, but we see this as very necessary to reach our goals. Please cooperate a little while longer as we draw nearer to the day when we can safely interact more personally with humanity and the services of our channels will eventually become unnecessary.

We of the Galactic Commands thank you for your assistance throughout this process and say to you that your work is greatly appreciated.

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Message from the Ashtar Command 2/22/12

Care is called for at this time as we proceed with the many plans to free your world from your oppressors. The speed at which these events proceed is not important at this time, although we do strive to maintain forward momentum as we push ahead with the many scheduled phases of this, as well as other aspects of the overall plan. We see we remain on schedule, and we also foresee no delays to this operation. Remain ever patient as you will experience the fruition of this plan, as we will not permit any obstacles to stand in our way.

Many of you are waiting to see action, and it is action you shall see. By now many of you know what is asked of you, but these tasks do bear repeating. Please look after your fellow human family members as many may experience fear and confusion upon seeing so many political and financial figures taken into custody simultaneously and also in rapid succession. The arrests will climb high into your political arenas, and it is here where we foresee the bulk of those who fear suffering a greater emotional toll.

No one and no office within your world governments are off-limits, and legal indictments have already been prepared against some of your most powerful political figures. They will be taken into custody just as anyone who commits a crime against another has in your legal systems, and they will enjoy no luxuries due to their alleged stature or wealth. They will be removed from their offices and positions within your governments and financial systems and will be arraigned in a court of law at which time the charges against them will be made known to them and to the public as well. You are the victims in these cases, and therefore you will be kept abreast each and every step of the way throughout these prosecutions.

We ask you to assist to spread the news of these pending arrests as to strengthen the impact of what they will mean to the people of your world. It is not overestimating these connected events when declaring humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical rule of those who have oppressed you for so very long. We see this day as your true Independence Day, and we see this day replacing in stature many of your current holidays which may have little to do with important matters of your world. This day will be remembered and celebrated by all throughout your world no matter one's nationality or religious background, making this a truly global holiday celebration.

Many of you are impatient at this time awaiting action, and we say to you action is what you will see. You will not be let down in this regard, as nothing can or will delay these proceedings any longer. We see a date when you can begin to witness these events for yourself, and on this day this is what you will see. Get ready, as this day is not far off.

"What then?" many of you are asking. Upon these arrests we, along with our allies, will begin the next phase of the overall operation which is to make our presence known to all of your planet who will not turn a blind eye to us. We have a very meticulous plan that we see successfully reaching its desired outcome, and upon our readings that a suitable number of you understand who we are and why we are here, we will immediately proceed with the next phase of the operation which is the landings of many of our ships and personnel that will interface with you, the people of Earth.

These introductions are necessary as many projects must get underway and it is you that will be undertaking them, with our assistance. These projects must be completed according to a restrictive time schedule, so as you can see we must begin these series of events as soon as is possible.

Remain vigilant, for these arrests will be the catalyst for the many events to quickly follow. There will not be long delays between each successive project, as once the Cabal is obliterated there will never be a reason for us to slow our progress in any way. You will witness a meticulously laid plan unfolding with precision each day throughout the rest of this year leading up to your ascension, and it is your ascension that necessitates the undertaking of many of these projects.

Many of you will be taking a hands-on approach to many of these projects, and we look forward to working with you in the near days ahead. There is much to do and as we said little time to do it, so prepare yourselves for your new careers with us, the Ashtar Command. We have been journeying throughout this universe on missions of peace and liberation for many eons, and through our travels and work we have enlisted many beings from throughout the cosmos who share our passion to assist worlds in their times of need.

Not all of our crewmembers and officers are of the humanlike species, and many of you will soon be meeting many different beings from many different star systems. Some of these beings will appear quite different to you and even sometimes what you have least imagined. We say to you that all the members of the Ashtar Command are ascended beings, which is only accomplished through love and spiritual understanding. There is never a reason for you to be fearful or concerned with your safety when interacting with any of these beings, and you will find that many different beings interact not only professionally, but socially as well, and many close friends have been made throughout our command.

We look forward to enlisting humans from your planet to join us as new recruits ready to begin your new careers that many of you may find quite satisfying in so many different areas. We also look forward to welcoming back some of our crewmembers who have incarnated into the physical to carry out their duties as our agents in the field. Your positions and stations await your return, and your careers will pick up just where they left off no matter how long it is that you have been gone.

The Ashtar Command plans to see humanity's ascension through, and remain here with you for a time afterwards ensuring the safety and well-being of the newly ascended human. Upon the decision that our work here is done we will move on as there are many other worlds that can benefit from our assistance. We will never be far from you, and possess the means to travel back to these universal coordinates in quick time. Many of you who will become members of our team will continue to call this planet your home and you will have the opportunity to travel back here for visits and rest and relaxation.

You will also have the ability to visit many other planets throughout this universe with your fellow crewmembers, and we feel you may enjoy these trips very much as well. There exists such a blessing a variety throughout this universe and there is something for everyone no matter what your particular tastes may be. There are sandy beaches and snowy mountains and everything in between. There are scarcely populated locales as well as bustling communities if this better suits your liking. Your adventure will only be beginning once we make contact with you as a new life and a new career awaits you.

This moment is just up ahead as events are moments away from unfolding in blissful excitement. Your buildup of anticipation has been long, and this also suits a very important purpose. All has been for a reason, and we see many of you understand this clearly. Your experience every step of the way has been carefully designed and implemented, and this is just as true for these last years and months as it ever was. As a matter of fact, your recent history has been more meticulously orchestrated than any other time in your history. Nothing has been left to chance, and nothing about your experience has been overlooked.

Some of you may feel certain aspects of your recent experience has been nothing more than a waiting game, but we assure you that it is we who have been waiting on you. As we have often made very clear, it is your world and it is up to you. We are assisting, this is all we have been permitted to do and we cannot overstep our bounds. We await you to reach certain levels of understanding and consciousness, and we also await certain actions to be undertaken by you. Upon the reaching of these milestones, we can then assist you to reach another.

At this present time we are focused on the arrests of the men and women of the criminal Cabal and we await the actions of our human Earth allies in the field. Again, you're not waiting on us or our signal that it is time to proceed. This signal has been given by all parties involved, terrestrial, as well as extraterrestrial, and we see the successful implementation of this carefully laid plan at any moment. We hope you enjoy this moment, you assuredly earned it, and as we have said, this event is merely the beginning as the fireworks will continue unrelenting for many months to come.

Your world will experience wonderful advancements throughout this period in your history and your world today will barely resemble your new Galactic society we will begin to create together. This would surely be a wonderful and exciting time to be here, and this is why many of you chose to be here today. You felt it was worth all what you knew you would have to endure to reach this point, and yet you made the decision without hesitation. This is what awaits you dear ones.

It is quite appropriate for you to display a childlike expectation of excitement, as this will all be new to you and you have not experienced anything new such as this since you were a child. Feel free to enjoy this moment and celebrate it, for it has taken you many long years to get here and you have earned every part of it. Enjoy this moment, for it is your moment, as each and every one of you has contributed to your journey in one way or another. Your achievement has truly been a team effort, and all deserve to take part in your celebration.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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Message From The Galactic Federation 2/9/12

This first paragraph talks about how telepathy will be an important form of communication in the near future.  Did you know one of the purposes of the Sensitives group is for people to find buddies with whom to practice their extra-sensory abilities?  Give it a try.  You might be surprised.

Telepathy is the means in which the ascending members of humanity will communicate in the future. You have the choice whether you wish to communicate verbally or telepathically dependent on whom you are communicating with, but we tell you that you will be speaking with many different types of beings and not all beings are able to verbally communicate with you, and also there are the severe limitations of language barriers. When one communicates by means of telepathy, he or she is able to take advantage of a built-in translator technology wherein you will be able to easily interpret any language in this universe, just as if someone is communicating with you in your native language. Not all human types of beings will speak your native language either of course, as there are also many different languages throughout their worlds as well.

Throughout your many incarnations you have learned many different languages, and this knowledge has been safely preserved in your memory banks and will be returned to you at the appropriate time. You will have the choice to communicate by way of any of these languages, as the being you are communicating with will also receive your thoughts translated into the language of their choice. This is the preferred method of the Galactic Federation of Light, and you will find this is the preferred method throughout much of the cosmos. Can you imagine how so many barriers that have been built here on Earth will easily be taken down once you are able to easily and effectively communicate with each other? This is one of the many changes in store for humanity in the days ahead and we look forward to teaching you this improved method of communication. Lack of communication has been the cause of so much conflict and strife here in your 3D world, and we have carefully studied the problems derived from this lack to efficiently communicate. We see your new tools of communication as a wonderful improvement that will benefit greatly your new society.
Moving on to matters concerning your current affairs, as we have said, we have arranged for the arrests of the leading members of the dark cabal who have plotted and schemed against the people of Earth for many centuries. This event will proceed according to schedule, and we see matters moving ahead quickly and efficiently with no delays. Again, we tell you these events will be globally televised, as we feel it is a very important step for humanity to see that they are finally free from the clutches of the dark rulers who have effectively conspired to keep humanity repressed for many ages. With these obstacles removed, you will be free to experience a boom in your advancement, and this is just what you will experience. Many new technologies will be introduced to you, and we feel many of you will marvel at what is in store for you. We will share with you devices that will improve virtually every aspect of your current lives and allow you so much more time and freedom to pursue any and all of your creative, as well as pleasurable desires. 
We will introduce to you new ways to prepare your food, and in this way your food will be safe and healthy while feeding your vessel the proper energy and nutrients you are starved of today. The food many of you eat today has been purposely seeded with chemicals and other additives to repress your growth and to stunt your mental capabilities. You may call this food anti-ascension food, for indeed this has been the main focus of these dark ones. Your bodies will also enjoy a renaissance of sorts, as they will be free to rejuvenate to their natural states which are far more healthy and powerful than they are today, and coupled with advanced healing technologies, will return to their optimal abilities. What a joy this will be for you all as your bodies will become incredibly strong and healthy, and will operate as perfectly functioning machines that will allow you the freedom to enjoy your new lives the way you were intended to.
This is one of the many projects that will get underway when the paths are finally cleared for our reunion. We today, along with our Earth allies, are currently seeing to this task and we will have very exciting news to report to you very shortly in the days ahead. This day is inevitable and is fast approaching. Be prepared for changes to begin immediately upon the news of the arrests of those who have kept you from experiencing your journey as has been available to you for many years. You have been kept prisoners of time, if you will, and you are currently experiencing lives that are not equal to the length of your journey. It is as if someone was grasping tightly the hands of a clock that govern your journey, but no longer, and you will see the hands of this clock spin freely and rapidly, propelling your civilization into the future. 
These changes will come quickly and these changes will continue swiftly in rapid succession. You will marvel at how quickly and efficiently real change can occur as you have all been so lulled to sleep as changes in your world have come so slow, creeping for many years, going almost completely unnoticed by you. This was the modus operandi of the dark ones, as they for years have feared rocking the boat as their biggest concern was waking you up from your slumber and consciously recognizing what they have been up to for so many years right under your noses. Their agenda is over, their plans now have been stopped as you the people of Earth have awakened, and now so many of you see what they have been plotting and you are also taking part in the most important action that you can do right now, and that is to share this information with your brothers and sisters. In information there is power, and this is why the dark has for eons engaged in a conspiracy to withhold from you as much information as they could and divide as many of your world as they could. 
The days of your strict limitations on travel are also nearing their end, and we see many men and women from all over your beautiful planet coming together as one in the days ahead when it will be as easy to travel to the far reaches of your planet as walking to the local store for bread. This is one of the gifts we have in store for you dear ones, and each and every one of you will be free to enjoy this gift and travel to any part of your world that you have ever dreamed of and spend time with any of your friends or loved ones you have missed or have recently met in your online social networks, as the friends you are making today will not be for long out of the reach of your arms. We see so many of you taking part in these joyous meetings, and we also see many of you enjoying your reunions with your Star Families who have missed you so greatly throughout the many years you have been away. Some of you have been away for many lifetimes, and this reunion will be a very joyous one indeed for you and your star brothers and sisters. This day is now only moments away. Keep up the wonderful work you are all doing, as it is you that are clearing the path for this reunion.
It all begins with you, as all proceeds according to your schedule, no one else's. We cannot stress this point enough. It is your readiness to accept and experience these changes, it is not our preparedness you are waiting on. We are prepared to do our parts and have been for quite some time. We cannot, however, force ourselves on your society if your society is not adequately prepared to accept us. We see our Lightworkers making great strides in this regard, and it is due to your hard work and determination that all these wonderful changes for your world will be possible. For this, your tremendous efforts are greatly appreciated by us, and all your brothers and sisters who today know not of what you do will learn of what all of you have done and have made possible. For this, you should be proud of yourselves, and you can preserve the memories of your hard work and what you have accomplished here for many years to come. We say to you all, job well done. None of this could be made possible without you, and we commend you for your tremendous efforts.
This first stage of your missions are nearing completion and soon you will begin the next phase of your assignments, and we assure you that you will enjoy your new assignments greatly, as the most difficult stages of your mission will now be behind you. Many of you will be working more personally with us, and no matter what your new assignments will be your lives will be greatly improved from what they are today, and this should make for a far greater working environment and a far more enjoyable overall experience for you all. Be well my dear friends. We will be with you again soon.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles.
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Hand-in-hand we shall overcome all obstacles before us. There exists no one and there exists nothing that can stand in our way. You, as a 3rd dimensional human, have fared greater challenges and adversities than what you are experiencing today and we believe in you, all of you, and we know you can get through these last difficult times of your journey together and emerge out of it into the light of the higher realms. This is your goal. This is the main reason for your current incarnation and you are almost there. Do not let anything slow or stop you now, as nothing can.

Try to look at everything as a challenge that has been purposely placed before you, for indeed this is most often the case. Try not to look at your troubles and think "Oh, poor me, another problem", and instead look upon these obstacles as another challenge that you will conquer, and emerge that much stronger on the other side. This is how we see your journey every step of the way, and this visualization technique may assist many of you to head into yet another test of your will and determination with renewed vigor and fortitude.

Up ahead we see better days for all of you, far better days, but we also see additional challenges as well. Prepare yourselves for both, and you will fair a lot better throughout these challenging times. All along your long journey you have received challenges that you were forced to overcome somehow, someway, but you also received help and guidance from above even if another of your human family was enlisted in this effort.

Today, we see many of you coming to the aid of your brothers and sisters and we are overjoyed at the display of brotherly and sisterly love for one another. How far you have all come in such a short period of time. You all have stellar families are looking on in admiration for your efforts to assist one another in your times of need and they are so proud of each and every one of you. They will be able to express their feelings to you personally in the days ahead when you will enjoy a long deserved reunion with them. We see this day approaching quickly, and each successive day we see further obstacles removed that today keep us apart.

Much continues to develop behind the scenes and we would like to share with you a little of what has been going on. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, have many divisions whose task it is to seek out and neutralize any hostile forces that wish to interfere with us as we offer assistance to worlds such as yours. Here in your world we have encountered a fighting force of reasonably substantial size and strength, but nothing we have not dealt with before and nothing we cannot handle in any way. Our teams are actively scouting for these hostile forces, and upon locating them we neutralize them and remove them from this area of space without any attempt to harm any personnel within these crafts, although the same cannot be said for our opposition as they continually make every effort to harm our personnel with everything that they have got.

We of the higher dimensions do not allow our emotions to overcome us and we see these soldiers as souls who have more learning and growth ahead of them, as do we all. No one in this universe has completed all their lessons and has learned all there is to know, and when one realizes this, a door is opened to greater avenues of knowledge and wisdom.

Upon incarceration of the soldiers of your dark Cabal, they begin a reeducation program where they first learn who they are fighting for and risking great personal injury and their lives for. Upon learning just who is behind their forces and their governments as well, a great deal of these men and women experience great disbelief and choose instead to believe it is we that are deceiving them. It is only after showing them clear evidence of this do they only begin to believe they may have been lied to, duped by cunning and ruthless minds behind many of your governments and military forces.

As part of a rehabilitation program we allow these men and women to observe our working and social environments for themselves. Here they can observe us in our natural environments and begin to realize, perhaps for the first time, that we are not the enemy and that we are in your world on a mission not to conquer, plunder and enslave, as they have been told time and again by their military superiors as part of their indoctrination program, but we are here on a mission of service to humanity, to assist them make the many changes that will advance your society greatly and relieve the suffering of every man, woman and child on your planet. This is what we do, and although many refuse to believe this for a time, most eventually do come to the realization of our honorable intentions.

There are many nonmilitary personnel within your world as well who have bought into the propaganda that we are here with hostile intent, and as we ourselves cannot extend these individuals the same rehabilitation program as the others, this task can be accomplished by our Lightworkers in the field. This is an area you are better equipped for and we ask you at this time to share your light and your truths of who we are and what our intentions are here. This will eventually clear the way for our reunion with you as we remove yet another obstacle from our path.

Today there remain many of your world who fear us, and we do have to compete with the never-ending parade of propaganda displayed through your television and film industry. We understand that many humans are quite susceptible to the information handed to them through such medium, and we do have plans to counteract this barrage of falsehoods and allow those who yet to see a clearer picture of us view an alternative explanation to our purpose here. We ask for your continued assistance helping to spread the truth about us and our intentions, and we thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts to inform your brothers and sisters.

As we have said, we do have many projects that we feel are imperative to begin immediately, and we are making every attempt to clear the paths so we may safely begin. Our Earth allies are responsible, with our assistance, for the task of rounding up and incarcerating a significant number of members of your criminal Cabal that will effectively destroy their treacherous organization.

We stand by at this time for the news that those many arrests have been undertaken and as always remain fully prepared for any countermeasures by the military units who yet stubbornly remain aligned with the dark ones. It was never expected that all of your Armed Forces would end their alliance with those of the dark agenda, and we have plans for them as well. If these groups insist upon noncompliance with your new system they too will be removed from their current locations and begin their reeducation program.

Upon working with us, many of you may be interested in such positions where you will interact with incoming soldiers and help facilitate their reeducation programs. Who better to work with these men and women than someone from their own human family? We see many walls of trust being broken down immediately when the soldiers can meet and speak with someone from their own country or even city. We see the rehabilitation process proceeding far more quickly and efficiently with the assistance of those of your world, and we look forward to enlisting the help of many from your human family.

There are many other positions as well where the assistance of those of your world would be greatly beneficial, and these assignments too will be available to you in the coming days ahead when we feel we can safely interact with you. We will make every attempt to keep you abreast of all relative developments towards this goal, and we will make clear at the appropriate time the procedure to make your intentions known that you are interested in beginning a new career with us of the Galactic fleets. We see many of you are looking forward to this opportunity, and we are extremely pleased at the willingness of so many of you to take part in our efforts in service to others. It will be a joy to work together with you, and we look so forward to this occasion where we can begin our initial orientations with you.

Turning towards matters of humanity's ascension, we see matters proceeding perfectly according to plan, and we will not permit any delays at this time as time is now running short and there is much yet to accomplish to clear your path for as smooth a transition into the higher realms as is possible.

Many of you have astutely taken notice of your days that may appear to pass by at an ever advancing rate. Time is compressing for you and this will appear as if time is speeding up and we say to you that the period between today and the culmination of your ascension will elapse far more quickly than you may imagine at this time. Before you know it, December will be upon you and much at that time will have needed to be accomplished.

Details of all the different projects that must be accomplished we will make clear to you when the time is deemed appropriate, and we will need to fill many positions required for these tasks. We will make every attempt to give you as much prior notice as possible of the many positions available so you will have sufficient time to reach a decision as to which positions you would be interested in. You will then begin your training as soon as possible as some of these positions require much training and study on your part.

We feel there will be those interested in every field that will be available, and we see that we will also have many backup personnel on call, fully trained as well. This is the preferred procedure as we must always have personnel available to fill every position and station on- board our craft at all times for the proper functioning of our fleets.

You will also receive training that will educate you as to the makeup of the many fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light and also other Galactic commands as well. You will learn the size of our fleets and their structure, and their organization from top to bottom. You will learn the ranks of our personnel and how to identify each of them and what powers and duties each rank possesses.

You will also be fully instructed on the many different types of spacecraft that make up our vast fleets and what each craft has been designed for and what capabilities each craft possesses. Each type of craft is manned by personnel specific to the function of a particular ship, and you will be trained to identify each ship by size and shape and immediately recognize their function and capabilities. We have many different types of craft, all with different functions, and learning all of these will have you busy for quite a while.

You will also be making many new friends once a member of the Galactic Federation of Light, and many adventures and good times await you and the launch of your new career. We look so forward to this day and assure you again it is not far off in the distance.

Keep up the fine work you are all doing paving the way for our arrival. We see you making great headway, and we ask you to keep up the pace of your efforts as we are almost there. This day will come, believe this, and do not let any doubt create another obstacle that will have to be removed.

It is important to understand that not all obstacles are physical, and many obstacles exist and are created by the thought processes of your individual as well as collective mind. Fear, doubt, distrust, disharmony, discord, all play an important part in our mutual attempts for a mass first contact between us. These negative thought processes create obstacles, blockages that must be removed before we can proceed with our plans. Removal of these blockages may be rather simple, or may require great time and effort.

The greater the level of fear or distrust, the greater the task of removal. Your Cabal understands this, and this is one of the reasons for their continued efforts to instill fear within your societies through their propaganda campaigns. As so many of your world readily buy into these attempts, we must busy ourselves with damage control to lessen the blow of these efforts of the dark ones. This is another reason why your efforts as Lightworkers to spread the truth of who we are and why we are here is so important at this time. As we have said, our mission together cannot be accomplished without your help. Please continue to shine your light all throughout your circles and throughout your reach of influence as your efforts are so important to the successful accomplishment of our joint mission. Your efforts are greatly appreciated at this time, and we again assure you they will not go unrewarded.

We are so very close to reaching the first milestone of our campaign, and we suggest again to you to monitor your media outlets for the news of the arrests of the men and women of the criminal Cabal that will be your signal that it is time for the immediate implementation of the next phase of our operation. There will not be a prolonged period of inactivity between these two phases, and we ask you to remain vigilant as this day is approaching rapidly.

The news of these arrests may come rather suddenly, as advance notice would only be advantageous to the Cabal and they shall receive no further gift of charity from us. They have used up all their favors and excuses, and it is now time to face the music that has been a long time coming. Many of these individuals possess the arrogance to attempt to make a deal for their surrender at this point, but we are now far beyond the time for making any deals and there will be no concessions offered for their surrender as they possess nothing left to barter with.

The dark ones have been given opportunity after opportunity to surrender, and much was offered them on many occasions, yet they arrogantly balked at the last minute each and every time at surrender, believing they can somehow avoid the inevitable. There is no avoiding what they will now receive for their unjust actions against the people of Earth, and they cannot delay these proceedings one moment longer. It is our Earth allies who will decide when their time has come, and come it will.

Looking over at what is possible for your world; we see many great things in store for you in the days ahead once we can get busy on our many scheduled projects together. Your society will quickly and efficiently be raised to the level of a Galactic society, and we see so many of you being amazed at the wonders in store for you. There exists no aspect of your current society that will not be modified, and we see great advancements for your personal lives as well, beginning where it always begins, at home.

Your homes will be brought up to the standards of a Galactic society, with pure water running throughout and clean and efficient energy systems that will not cost you anything. Your kitchens will also be advanced greatly, with devices that will change the way you not only prepare food, but obtain it as well. This is just a small sampling of what is in store for you once we can safely interact with you upon the takedown of your criminal Cabal.

We look so forward to witnessing the celebrations all around your planet at the news of these arrests, and ask you again to share with others what you have learned about these proceedings and what they mean to the people of your world. We do not wish for these events to fail to fulfill their great potential as a wake-up call to all of humanity that a new day has dawned, and all that has perpetuated their lives of hardship and struggle now fades away in the new light of your new day.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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