messages (1)

Regarding The Mythi Messages

I posted this response at and thought this would be good to share as a blog, for broader dissemination.

As you know, we are willing to examine many points of view on earth changes, planet x, aliens, and other "alternative" topics.  Mythi, who claims to be an alien from Andromeda, was a popular messenger who fell from grace.  Some of our members were bitterly disappointed by his "demise" and the following repost was my response to that.  This, in no way, means we will stop examining alien messages should they appear worthy of examination, but we shall approach it a bit more critically* next time.  *Critical examination, in this context, means involving skillful judgment as to truth, merit, etc.; judicial: such as a critical analysis.  It is not meant as just finding fault in something too readily.

Start of repost....

Always try to find good in life experiences, such as this one. No matter how reasonable it sounds, how likable the messenger, it is not necessarily the truth, though, perhaps, there is some truth embedded. The important lesson is learning to hear and trust your own intuition / instincts. I think some achieved that this time around, some sooner than others, but the end result is what counts. Part of the benefit is that you don't feel so burned when you suddenly find out you've been played, or you prevent yourself from taking a course of action you shouldn't have. You become a stronger, more self-reliant person; a person who doesn't sway with every wind.

I'm always willing to listen, but when the red flags pop up I haven't always been willing to listen to those. Rather inconvenient, those red flags. Just like you, I was hearing hope and many of us are hungry for hope. So, those red flags do dampen that which we want so much. I'm getting better at listening for those flags. You should too. Look for it. That first little doubt. Don't discount it. Write it down if you need to because it is very easy for it to get buried under more data and just forgotten. Then wait, and listen more, and see where that doubt goes. Does it get satisfied or does it grow bigger? Look around you. Not running with the herd? That might be a good sign. Never think for a moment that not agreeing with everyone is a bad thing. It's not! Just sit back and listen some more if you aren't quite ready to voice your beliefs. Two or three red flags are usually enough to make a case.

If these messengers really are who they claim, they shouldn't be making that many mistakes. After all, they are presumed brighter than us with a much higher level of technology. They talk concretely ... like this will happen or that will happen, maybe give a date ... then it doesn't happen. If they are unsure of their calculations, they should say so. Of course, that drags them down to a less-than-godlike level, doesn't it? So it seems.

But broadcasting imprecise data does not help anyone, so what purpose does that serve? Only to discredit, but maybe that is the point, from a disinfo standpoint. These alleged "higher beings" should wait until they are certain. I think the unethical ones commit this gaffe when their audiences start building and they must keep "performing" to retain their audience, so they start ad libbing. I would rather see fewer communiques that are right than daily entertainment. But, I forget, disinformation must bombard the mind to keep the distractions hot and heavy, keep people introverted and confused, so they don't have time to think about what they are reading and learning.

Again, don't latch on to these pseudo-savior types. Listen, but keep your emotions under control. View what is said critically. It is so very important in these coming days to be able to discern truth from distraction. When you start liking the messenger, do a check to make sure you are not getting your emotions tangled up with them. It is too easy to transfer your emotions to an "authority," someone who seems to care about you and is looking out for your best interest. Emotional transference is something cults use expertly. Look it up. It is a psychological reality in thought manipulation.

But for the most part, as I've said before, these channelings do not change what we need to do to prepare. So, just keep preparing. It won't go to waste. Whether the danger happens tomorrow or next week or in ten years, there is no difference. Aspire to a self-sufficient lifestyle and you will always be ready for whatever comes. And if what comes truly is an ELE, you gave it your best shot. And with the attitude of helping those who survive, chances are you will survive, too, and live to see a better world...a worthy goal.

And something I was just prompted to add (after Jonas and Byron had already responded, so they may not have seen this comment): there are many ETs who are working hard on our behalf. They are not making public statements, but instead are speaking quietly to individual hearts. So it is important to listen to your own "inner guide" because that is where you may find the true channelings. The public ones are just flashes in the pan, looking for ego gratification, or have darker purposes. However, the true, good ETs don't need human channels to speak to us. (Though I do allow that some may start out good-hearted and get taken over, like possibly Mythi and for sure, Dutchsinse.)

And, FYI, I learned my own lesson on this subject just as the rest of you did.

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