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Ra-El Addresses The World


Don't know who he is or what to make of this...Lord Ra-El Addresses the World on May 21st. 

He claims to be Christ Returned. 

What I know is the return of Christ would be seen in the skies by all nations, not by a limited audience of people who hear a speech on the internet following on the heels of another guy saying the rapture was to happen on May 21st.  I wondered about his use of American vernacular, "I think not!" Just seemed odd, not something I'd expect the KoK and LoL to say.

Wasn't there also a biblical warning that there would be many false Christs coming in his name, and don't be fooled? 

Christ Returned?  I think not.  At least, not on May 21st, 2011.

Just my opinion, but what do I know?

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