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It's Started... The Days of Darkness...

This is a hypothetical to get people thinking about what's just around the corner, as a way of mentally preparing.  Remember, forewarned is forearmed.  This blog also serves as a heads up for folk new to the concept of Planet X or Comet Elenin, and the upheaval caused by a passing celestial object. 

I have always assumed that I would wake up and the days of darkness would have already begun, and from what you will read below that could be the case (that the tilt occurs when the US East Coast is in the dark), but because the Earth will be "reeling to and fro like a drunkard" (Isaiah 24:20), which means tilting severely, it could also mean that it could happen during daylight hours.  One day it will tilt so far that the sun won't be visible in the northern hemisphere and darkness or low light will descend during the day somewhere on the planet.  Think of the panic.  This is a compelling reason to not use the days of darkness as a signal to leave for your safe place. Here's a hypothetical situation to prove the point:

You are on a busy street in downtown AnyBigCity, USA.  It's lunchtime on a Wednesday.  Suddenly, the sun sails across the sky and sinks to the horizon, or disappears entirely.  Whatcha gonna do?  Who ya gonna call? You waited for the days of darkness to begin as your signal to bug-out to your safe location.  Well, you got your signal.  But will you ever get there?  Will you get out of the city alive?

Why do I say days of darkness, instead of three days of darkness?  A number of us have heard from one source that it will be three days of darkness.  However, other sources state different numbers.  For instance, Velikovsky says on p.76 of Worlds in Collision, "In the manuscripts of Avila and Molina, who collected the traditions of the Indians of the New World, it is related that the sun did not appear for five days ...." 

On page 114 of the same book, in China "At the time of the miracle is said to have happened that the sun during a span of ten days did not set, the forests were ignited, and a multitude of abominable vermin was brought forth.  'In the lifetime of Yao [Yahou] the sun did not set for full ten days and the entire land was flooded.' "

Velikovsky continues, on page 106 of the same book,  "According to the legends of the New World, the profile of the land changed in a catastrophe, new valleys were formed, mountain ridges were torn apart, new gulfs were cut out, ancient heights were overturned and new ones sprang up. The few survivors of the ruined world were enveloped in darkness, 'the sun in some way did not exist.' "  This sounds like darkness either continuing or returning during the height of the passage and continuing on into the Aftertimes. 

While there is an event dubbed "Sunrise West" which is said to follow the days of darkness, it doesn't say whether it will be full sunlight for full days or just the appearance of the sun, perhaps just enough to know it is rising in the wrong location, perhaps visible in some areas, perhaps absent altogether in other areas.  Remember, with all that will be going on, the atmosphere will be polluted with volcanic ash and gases and debris from the passing object, etc.  So, in heavily polluted areas sunlight might not get through at all, in other areas the sun could look as big and as bright as the moon at its furthest point from Earth, like a far away, dim bulb. 

In any event, we are going to experience a lot of darkness.  What are the ramifications of that?  Inadequate sunlight affects our mood.  Lack of sunlight causes Vitamin D deficiency, which will lead to weak immune systems.  It will be difficult, if not impossible, to get much done.  How will you cook and eat?  How will you deal with children who are afraid of the dark?  How will you keep yourselves and your children occupied?  How will you handle fear and depression?

This will be a time of horrible stress, just on this one point alone (darkness).  Now factor in all the earth changes and celestial events that will be happening at the same time.  The Earth moaning and quaking and jiggling in the dark; meteorites and debris screaming across the sky; the strange sounds of electrical interplays between Earth and the passing object; rain pouring down; etc.

So, with all this in mind, plan for these things:

1.  Be mentally prepared for the possibility that the "three" days of darkness could be longer;

2.  Take Vitamin D supplements to support your immune system to replace inadequate sunlight;

3.  Have food that can be accessed and prepared easily during the passage (no fire).  Also consider lots of comfort foods, just make sure they are low salt to prevent thirst which leads to drinking more water and causes more bathroom trips;

4.  Have lots of light and batteries ... light sticks, batteries for flashlights, lamps, lanterns (do not use fire during the passage);

5.  Provide a means to occupy yourself (and family) ... singing songs, telling stories, playing games--decide before, memorize them;

6.  Get a good pair of ear muffs to lessen the horrific noise (such as used on shooting ranges or aircraft carrier decks);

7.  Have on hand natural ways to sedate nerves (children and adults) (essential oil of lavender has a calming effect).  You may want to talk to your doctor about sleeping pills to help children sleep through the trauma.  Better a drug temporarily than to allow your children to endure severe psychological trauma from fear;

8.  Motion sickness medication (at pharmacies, over the counter);

9.  Have an accessible toilet facility and plenty of supplies, as well as barf bags;

10. Make sure you have enough medications, sanitary products, etc. easily accessible.

Add more ideas in the comments below. 

In closing, the good Zetas want to point out a few things.  First, a while back when the Zetas said that "things were going to change," they meant that we were going to stop being spoon fed data and start researching it for ourselves.  It is a known datum that if you research something for yourself, the data will be more valuable, you will have more insight as to how things came about, and more likelihood that you, the researcher, will be able to "think with the data."  By my own researching, I found that I can take core concepts "out of the box" and apply it to real world situations. 

 College is almost over.  Graduation day is fast approaching.  We will soon be out in the real world applying what we have learned. 


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