Published on Feb 24, 2013
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary, Alien Encounters: In March of 1995, Walt Disney Television aired a most intriguing one-hour television special on UFOs titled Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland. This highly unusual UFO video special presents UFOs and alien visitation to our planet as a matter of fact. Though the film's existence is acknowledged by the respected website of the Internet Movie Database, you will not find it available anywhere for purchase.
Those who tracked this incredible production state that it was shown only once, and with no advance notice on stations in only five US cities.
At first glance, this unique Disney television special appears to be an elaborate promotion of a scary New Tomorrowland ride on alien encounters which was about to open at Disney World. But on closer inspection, it is much more. The entire program, which opens with a short segment by Disney CEO Michael Eisner, does not even question the existence of UFOs and a major UFO cover-up. In fact, at times it has a tone of ridicule towards those who still deny the existence of UFOs.
Considering the very limited showing and audience, and the highly unusual stance on UFOs taken, many suspect that this program was a probe to measure public reaction to news of the reality of visitation and interaction with various forms of non-human intelligent life on Earth. The 10-minute section on alien abductions seems particularly designed to scare viewers. For information that the abduction phenomenon may not be as scary as presented in this film, read about the thought-provoking documentary Touched, based on the careful research of Harvard Professor John Mack.
I think throughout history - not as we know it (or are taught in schools), but the true history of earth - we have been invaded and manipulated many times by ET's. To the extent that we have lost our full range of abilities (ie full use of DNA). Remnants of those interventions have resulted in the current ruling families (Cabal) on earth (that we are all waking up to) that have kept most of us in the dark (ie without full knowledge).
But maybe, just maybe we are more resilient than what we give ourselves credit. Maybe parts of our DNA that are thought useless (or that we are told are useless) are working for us and will allow us to ascend by becoming fully activated. Just like a dormant seed, perhaps this will only happen with specific "right" conditions - and again, maybe, this is what this period of time is all about (galactic alignment, cosmic wave, etc).
IMO, if we (humans) were to be decimated by ET's it would have happened by now. Either someone (ie benevolent ET's or a higher power) is looking after us or (as mentioned above) maybe we have built-in DNA protection - which, by definition, has been provided by our creator.
Sure, this could be karma for some. In all the lives we've lived, some probably have been conquerors, and now could be the time to be the conquered. But I think we are also called to take responsibility and do what we need to do to progress and evolve into galactic society. If there truly is a special dispensation, there could be a forgiveness of karmic debt. How ascension factors in, I'm not sure. Any ideas?
But don't you think Cheryl that all this was also related to karma??
It appears that duality was a strong element where dominance on less advance society could play out. It gave us the opportunity to erase our karma through different lives, in different time period and in an array of conditions
I watch that production a little while ago. I was a bit sad to see Robert Ulrich as MC of the show. If I remember correctly, he died of cancer. I liked the way this documentary was produce. At the time they were actually thinking about a protocol to follow.
Yes, the nuclear programs sent out the SOS to the galaxy that we had crossed a threshold where our relatively young race could destroy the planet.
"Nothing we can do about it."
When a techologically advanced civilization encounters a lesser advanced civilization, the lesser civilization ceases to exist.
In Briefings of Allies of Humanity, it is analogized to indigenous races encountering more advanced civilizations on Earth. Remember the American Indians, the Mayans, the Polynesians. Think it can't happen here, to the entire world? We, humanity, are the indigenous people of Earth. The aliens are the advanced civilizations. They are not a military force, but wield mental and persuasive skills far above mankinds.