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  • Quote, article: "Apocalypse fever is no laughing matter"  the government is worried... what did they do, poll the people? Where did they gather information to be able to claim this: "SO many people in France believe that the world is about to end that a government agency today alerted the country to the risk of mass suicides by converts to prophesies of imminent Armageddon."   

    I'd be more apt to believe this is a suggestive seeding, and would be more worried about mass chaos (including killings).

  • suicide is for those who feel that there are only two choices left out of the myriads possible when one is not suicidal. To live or to die. It's as easy as that. How they got to that point is another story. Those who make the choice to die are overwhelmed by  feeling agony, pain, fear, hopelessness, propituation, over empathising, sadness, depression etc. Such a dominance of the negative emotions cuts off access to positive emotions and sends one on a route to the two choice state.  People who are experiencing negative emotions long term need to be careful and keep being interested in something with  opportunities and possibilities  so as to not get to the two choice state
  • yes, I also see it as an honour to experience  PX or whatever else happens. I want to feel the quakes and see the lava flow. Not too fussed about tsunamis though. It's better to know the truth about humanity before one's lights go out - its the ultimate achievment. I am going to go out like the hippy man in the van in the film 2012. He parked up at yellowstone when it erupted
  • I so second that Weiynala :)
  • Suicide is a choice plain and simple and if thats the choice they want to make then it is theirs to make......
  • No it is not Blavatsky....You in it makes it a better place.....

  • is the world better off without me  or am I better off without the world - that is the question

  • anyways, the article was more about some people trying to survive armageddon by heading to certain locations in France but suicide cults were added in by the journalist to link these people to other cults who used brain washing to incite suicide so people reading the article would dismiss the findings of earth ending as we know it more easily.
  • if life isn't worth fighting for, suicide is more easily considered as one is not giving up job, no money, worry, no future ..this is where big society is heading for many. Suicide is the escape route from utter helplessness.  Some are predisposed to experience helplessness more than others and in these, if a critical threshold is  reached which shifts one to feel severe helplessness with no hope at all it happens. Sites like this help to diminish helplessness about the power of the great earth and the universe and the bags of tricks they unleash from time to time.


  • I feel sorry for the people who will choose suicide over finishing their karma. I understand that some people are more anxious than other, but if they do not get relief from their anxiety, they will do it.
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