An email from Sheldon Day...


From: "DrCarley@GMAIL" <>
To: "Rebecca Carley" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:30:14 AM

I have been talking about the coming zombie apocalypse since last May, when my medical school classmate, Ali Khan,  who is an assistant attorney general for the CDC (funny how the 2 of us were in the same class) wrote a CDC document on the coming zombie apocalypse (attached); funny how that document is no longer on the CDC website as far as I can tell, although zombie apocalypse is still mentioned:

My local paper, the Charlotte Observer, reported today that cops think the suspect was suffering from "cocaine psychosis" (perhaps they are lacing cocaine with live rabies virus as well?)

They are putting rabies in vaccines, and also spraying it over the countryside alledging it is a rabies vaccine, Raboral, for wildlife:

A woman in Pennsylvania exposed to a leaking Raboral bait packet developed VACCINIA VIRUS INFECTION (see attached from; vaccinia was created when cowpox vaccine was given to people with smallpox (thank you, Edward Jenner).  Now how did vaccinia virus sneak its way into a live rabies vaccine?

2 people in the UK have also come down with rabies (, allegedly from a dog bite in Asia.  It was reported in the BBC ( that  "A spokesman for the hospital previously said that as the UK is rabies-free, if a patient went to a hospital with vague symptoms, a doctor was unlikely to consider rabies as a diagnosis unless the patient highlighted wild animal contact in an at-risk country.
Are we to believe that a woman would go to the hospital and "forget" to mention that she had been bitten by a rabid dog in Asia?

THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HAS BEGUN, JUST AS ALI KHAN PREDICTED (because the CDC is behind it)...spread the word.  If you don't have a colloidal silver generator, the time is NOW to obtain one! (go to

Reporting from hell on earth being created by the psychopaths,
Dr C


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"Inoculations are the true weapons of mass destruction,
causing an epidemic of genocide"
Rebecca Carley, MD
Court Qualified Expert in vaccine Induced Diseases

 All TRUTH passes through 3 stages:
1st - it is ridiculed 2nd - it is violently opposed 3rd - it is
accepted as SELF EVIDENT
Arthur Schopenhauer

 In a time of universal
deceit, telling the TRUTH is a revolutionary act. 1984, George Orwell

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  • We are facing so many dangers it's amazing we can function at all. 

  • I know that the radiation from japan is nothing to sneeze at but.....we face much larger dangers if this behavior is sun induced....

  • And the incoming galactic energies.

  • There is much more to this crazy *hit than meets the about people going bonkers during solar maximums.....

  • Okay, my first encounter with it.  Thanks for researching it, Alex.

    Byron, the media lied.  They said he was chewed down to his goatee.  The picture shows down to his mustache.  Yep, that's what muscle, tissue and blood looks like under our skin. 

  • Not sure if anyone remembers this but it happened a few years ago around this time strangely enough think it was May 30th.....
    Jarrod Wyatt did this to a friend.....
  • I would like to clarify a few thing. In the late 70's to early 80's, the rate of wild animals and domestic animals being infected with rabies were increasing dramatically. The main carriers (culprits) were skunks, fox and bats. Since these animal lived either in forested areas or at the edge of wood lots, the only way to stop an epidemic was to do an areal dispersal of the rabies vaccine. The vaccine was mixed meat wrapped in foil. This program was a success and help decrease the number of cases found in the animal population.

    Vaccinia is a medical term use to described an auto inoculation of a virus into a non vaccinated person. Example: The woman mentioned above handled the Raborial bait. More than likely, the rabies vaccine in the bait enter her skin through a small break. More than likely, she did not wash her hand right away and forgot about the incident. Once the vaccine was inside her body, it started to reproduce. She must have showed up at a clinic with some scabs on her skin. These scabs are a telltale sign of Vaccinia.

    The 2 people who were bitten by a dog in Asia did develop rabies. If the skin was broken when the dog bit and saliva entered the skin, then they were both contaminated. Human react differently to rabies, but if they are not diagnosed in time, they will develop what is called "Hydrophobia." They are scared of drinking water because when they want to drink, the throat muscle goes into spasm and prevents them from drinking. They become dehydrated and soon after die.

    Yes the UK is rabies free but other countries are not.

    Yes we can believe that the women may forget to mentioned the bite incident if the person does not associated the two events. There was a case about 6 years ago here where a man was bitten by a bats. He did not seek medical attention and was brought to the hospital by ambulance suffering from dehydration. He died soon after. The official diagnosis came down after the rabies virus was isolated from brain tissues. No bite marks were seen on the body. The rabies virus attack the brain. That is why animals become aggressive. In animals there are two stages to rabies: the dumb stage where wild animals seek the company of humans, and the aggressive stage when they have a strong urge to bite.

    I hope this clarify the misunderstanding.

  • Thanks :)

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