My Contact List Was Stolen...

Any of you who corresponds with me via my Yahoo account beware.  Something grabbed my contact list and is sending out fake emails under my name.  I apologize for the inconvenience.  Here is what it looks like:

From: Cheryl Nelson <>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 1:05 PM
Subject: Fwd:

wow this is amazing you should look into it


Here is an email from one of our members with advice on what to do if this happens to you........

I experienced the same regarding a hacked Yahoo Address Book last week, and so did my sister who lives in California. As far as I can tell, it's a malicious form of malware that sends out links to those listed in an address book using one's email address, which if clicked on and opened, propagates further malware.

Imperative to delete all cookies, clear your browsing history, clear your cache and change your email password and security answers if indicated, asap, and fun a full scan on your system if you haven't done so already. Personally, I also deleted my address book and now only enter recipients manually. Have also noticed the " Sent " file appears vulnerable too, so I keep that clear as well.

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  • I remember that scam.  Someone here got it and thought it was one of our members begging for help.  We set the story straight.  Last summer, a friend's account was hacked and I got an email from her with a link to cheap, offshore pharmaceuticals.  I knew she wouldn't send something like that so I just let her know.

  • I got hit too.  Apparently, they sent out an email to my contacts that I was stuck in London and needed money to get home!  My boss called me asking how London was and we had a good laugh but I deleted that email account.  And it was Yahoo.

  • Thanks for the heard up. I will be on the look out for those.

  • Okay.

  • OH yes they all were Yahoo members.

  • That same company has sent me emails from several people for some time now.

  • Most people spotted the fake.  I don't send out the "amazing" offer type stuff.

  • That has happened so many times to other people.  They send things and make it look like it came from you.

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