So, here is my summary as far as my first listening goes, of Ed dames.
I have one or two first things to say here, and must go back to his original movie, killshot one, as we may cal it. This was shot on Hawaii where he lived at the time, in this he basically says his team of remote viewers have seen a massive red glowing object coming through the solar system and upsetting the sun. he even plots it on a blackboard, and he even calls it a brown dwarf, though he seem uncertain as to what it actually is at the time. I believe this first killshot movie was made in 2003.
Nowadays he never mentions having seen this object , though many other remote viewers in Japan have seen it, led by the Scottish remote viewing teacher. Echard Deravan, I think his name is. Anyhow, this interview was a recap of his last one and he is saying the following, as they now come to mind.
There will be no nuclear war, as the ET's are looking after us, and preventing the use of nuclear weapons, and there is a very definite ET presence on this and above this Earth. He says they are very Humanoid and look similar to ourselves. I hope without our bad habits.
he says there will be war in the Middle east, but whilst this flares up and America is preoccupied, China will play the North Korean card, and Taiwan plays a part in this agenda. he say the US is bankrupt which is fairly obvious, though Europe is probably bankrupt as well.
whilst Ira and Syria flare up, China creates havoc on the Korean peninsula knowing the US hasn't the manpower nor logistics to do very much about it.
Now, whilst these earth bound activities continue, he says the men on the battlefield will look up at the sky for there will be sights and sounds in the sky that will cause them to put down their weapons and return home. in other words, the earthchanges will have begun in earnest.
Now, the major factor in these earthchanges is the sun. He says it will flare up with CME after CME, and will lay waste the earth, it seems most of our present civilization will go under. The power grid will go down and all rudiment of civilized society will simply collapse.
He say we should watch out for X rays from the sun penetrating the protective sheaths of the earth, the magnetosphere I assume he means.
There is hope however, for as the dust settles down, the ET presence will be made known and they will help us rebuild.
So, this is my summary and understanding of what Ed Dames has been saying.
One other point, safe zones. I believe the southern hemisphere is not well suited for safe zones , and it may be the north where we are better protected, , but he is nit all that clear on this, maybe a second listen will clarify it. Africa is not a good pace, Australia is very limited, New Zealand is better. I suspect we in the north fare best of all but for all of this, it will still make mad max look like a children's picnic party. .
another important point comes to mind, and that is some massive world wide pandemic, and he suggest it will be a combination, by natural mutation of bird flue and swine flue.
so, choose your area, choose your friends, and basically wait for it to happen. That is my summation of all this.
These may be dark days ahead, or not, we will have to see what the next few months bring, I am nit pessimistic save for the majority of the population even so, this may be the one evolutionary event we are in most need of. . I do strongly think there is an extra solar body involved in all this an Ed Dames suspects s or even knows more than he is willing to say maybe he is fearful of being tarred with the nut cases who propose the planet x theory!!!!. yet we nutcases may be right on target here. . I believe Ed dames is under certain stricture from the government not to tell everything he knows, and he only says enough to warn us mere mortals. the rest we have the intelligence to make up our own mids and fill in the details. that is the purpose of this website amongst others.
So, if you'll forgive me back the shovel and wheel barrow. Ed Danes says by the way, the safest place to be is underground, now hasn't the government been thinking about this for sometime now, Denver Airport anyone????
Nicolas, Can you resend your invitation of earlier. It seems that I made a mistake and cannot send you my answer.
I do not believe that the Antichrist is Prince William. According to Nostradamus, this man was born in the Middle East. In one of her books, Dolores Cannon has a sketch of what he look like. Makes you wonder if is appearance is not coming soon. He will be very much involved in the financial world, especially in finding ways to improve third world economy. It is said that he will be given the fortune of the world including the Vatican Bank, a gift from the next pope Peter the Roman.
Dr. Bill, you dream is very similar to the one my sister had a little while ago. She saw fireballs fly over her head and they either hit the ground or crushed houses.
Yes, subscribe, only thirty six dollars a year, and the whole archive is open to you. the other alternative is to wait until it is on youtube, I will have a look for you, in a bit. the third alternative is for me or someone to send the saved archive over to you in an email it should work.
I treat this talk of William being the antichrist as so much Internet nonsense. there may or may not be any truth in it, chose whichever . as for the antichrist, well, how about fairies running the executive positions at the Fed!!! LOL same sort of myth.
I had a fabulous walk this morning, gorgeous spring sunshine, met some smashing people, had a talk, and thought what a really nice pleasant world we live in, aside from all this banal reality that greets us in politics and the military.
If we would all be content to do simple things like this, and ignore the nonsense that comes out of Whitehall and Washington, and Tel Aviv, but sadly, we cannot escape the evil that is in place there, this is why the planet may be in for a cleansing as the only way to straighten things up.
This is what I said to Duane and Byron, get back to nature, be at peace with the earth mother,
Now that spring is upon us in the Northern hemisphere, it will be interesting ti see if or how the swine flue outbreaks correlate with the movement of birds. Here on Angelsey, we have the Canada geese which are already here, we have the starlings again, they have I think, stayed during our mild winter, but we have the swallows yet to arrive. Oh, we have the chemtrails which have never left, but continue to fly overhead, I wonder how far they are involved? Maybe ti weaken our immune system. .If the powers that be, who control governments, want to spread this pandemic, I can't see them wanting the paper trail to lead tp them.
The crows are the first birds to have a problem. So keep an eye on them and make sure they are healthy. In the army when I went through nuclear, chemical and biological warfare traning we were taught to put on our gas masks when we came upon dead birds as it is a sign of a bio or chem agent in the area.
Do we have bad habits?... just kidding. There is a strong possibility that H1N1 will mutate again. So far, people have been contaminated by having close contact with birds. But there is no transmission of this type of bird flue from human to human. There is also the migration of wild birds to take notice. As wild birds migrate, they more than likely will contaminate domestic fowls. We can expect to see something in the spring.
Its not about choosing sides,nature of nature has already decided and selected by way of theses cycles which are more than one.As stated before the anunnaqi,merkabah mechanics will play a major role in this.The actual craft that ed dames saw was and still is NIBIRU,a crystal sphere four times the size of jupiter.Could you imagine something that big made out of crystal and the effects it could have on life.If we can heal by placing crystals on our bodies or in our enviornment,imagine what this will do.Now on another note.This is the ending of cycles,this particular evolutionary ,moon cycle is ending and everything that came along with it.In religions it speaks of a great and dreadful day.Great for some and dreadful to others.The sun RE is emitting new gases,9 ether conscious gases,replacing the 6 ether gases.Plus the new light arc which is a frequency, is a biological threshold in itself.It along with,nibiru and RE will all play their role.The new green light forces are intelligent frequencys that will aid in the shift,RE will aid in matter effects,including extinction event,a.k.a,killer solar flares.Nibiru will also aid in the healing process as well as a abduction type of event if need be for the sake of the nubians survival.For those blessed it will be multi dimensional living,communicating with whole light beings.Those blessed will live along time and have the brain of an electro magnetic computer.Earth,Gia,Tiamat,Geo is going back to how it once was.Revolution time!!!!!!!
as the old Chinese used to say, paraphrasing, we live in interesting times, just don't get too involved, stay on the sidelines.
I still say, watch carefully the Olympics, it may give some signs of what is to come, what the are trying to get implemented. the aftermath of the games should make it more clear.