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  • Ryan, what were you doing prior to getting sick. I would definitely see a doctor.

  • Very weird. I am a resident of El Paso. 3 days ago, a strange illness struck me. Since, I have been fatigued, losing hair, and I developed a small rash on the left-back side of my neck that appears mildly lesion-like, and I have never had a rash of the sort before. My throat is still sore, and the rash is very painful, and I have not a clue as to what caused it.. Strangely, when I use shampoo in the shower, I am noticing much more hair is falling out and getting stuck to my hands since I struck this illness. I have lost my appetite, and this article was the only thing I could find on it that could have any relevance. Please let me know if you hear of more cases of this popping up! My daughter got sick too, but she has not developed any kind of rash.

  • Good point Cheryl. They should also be looking at frequent flyers.

  • They are unionized.  It may be happening to pilots too and it just hasn't become a public issue with them?

  • Yes it does points towards radiation from the nuclear reactor. What is unclear is why only flight attendants?

  • This is the least expensive I have found so far....

    But I would say hit up a few arm surplus stores, may find something cheaper.....

  • You can make your own radiation meter.  We all need to now.  We are living in the aftermath of a nuclear crisis.  Everyone thought it would be nuclear war, but we were wrong.  As T.S. Elliot said so presciently:  "This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper."

    And whimper we will as we die a slow, torturous death from radiation exposure.

    Let's face it, folks, the ETs are our only hope. 

  • Cheryl,

    That was actually the very first thought to run through my head......Fukushima.....if it looks like a duck and swims like a duck and sounds like a duck....

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